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Kate's PoV

"Flash please do us all a favour and fuck off" Yelena hissed, not even looking at flash. "Calm down belova I'm just over here to welcome back girl Parker" he smiles at Evan who physically tensed when flash arrived. "Flash, leave us to enjoy our lunch" I'm so fed up of flash and his bullshit, I squeeze Evan's thigh hoping to show her I'm right here beside her. "What's with the animosity? I'm just here welcoming back the nerd" I look round quickly noticing everyone looking our way. Evan drops her burger placing her head in her hands, hating every minute of being centre of attention. "So girl Parker where have you been? I mean nobody sees you for a year and you come back looking like the upgraded version of the loser you were before... I mean slightly upgraded" I'm glaring at flash right now but he couldn't care less. "I mean your still a loser just because your what a little bit taller and put on the slightest bit of muscle doesn't change that" Yelena nudges me. As I look at her quickly she's giving a pointed look to Evan. I quickly look round to Evan noticing her breathing is rapid and her knuckles are turning white. "Kate baby, come sit beside us. Not at the loser table with the freak that is Evan Parker" I can slightly see Evan's face going red behind her hands "back the fuck off flash". "Evan Parker's a freak Kate" Evan's fist drops to the table, slamming down with enough force for flash to take a step back. Evan can't loose her temper in here, she could easily actually kill flash now so she needs to calm down and he needs to back off. I place my hands on either side of Evan's face and pull her face to mine. Pressing my lips against hers hoping to calm her down. Evan instantly calms and melts into my touch as the whole canteen gasps. "Fuck yes! See that Flash" Yelena whoops as she stands up clapping. A series of cheers then erupts through the canteen as flash walks away with his tail between his legs. Breaking apart I smile against Evan's mouth causing her to do the same "that's some kiss miss bishop". I pull her back into another kiss, ignoring the cheers around us, hoping to show everyone at this school that I belong to Evan Parker.

Evan's PoV

"Why do I have to ask her to the dance? She's my girlfriend surely that means we are going together?" Peter rambles as we walk out the school doors. "I don't know, sometimes having a girlfriend is hard ... wait do I have to ask Kate?" I stop and begin to panic wondering if Iv done something wrong. "I thought she asked you and yous decided you were going together?" I pause with my hands on my hips wondering if i have done something wrong. Two arms fit round my waist as a kiss is placed on my cheek "hey EvyPoo". I look at Kate over my shoulder "have I to ask you to the dance? Also less of the EvyPoo". Kate looks at me like Iv lost the plot "em ... I thought we were already going together? I asked you to be my date last night remember?". "Yeh yeh of course but I don't have to ask you on top of that right? Like you're not going to not go with me because I haven't then asked you?" Kate slaps my stomach laughing "no baby, I asked you so that's us going together why the sudden panic?". I point towards Peter who sighs and throws his head back dramatically "ok ok I assumed MJ and I would be going to the dance together seeing as you know she's my girlfriend but apparently that was wrong and she says I should have asked her" Kate laughs pressing her face into my shoulder. "Don't laugh Kate! What do I do?" Peter moans throwing his arms in the air. Kate moves round the front of me holding my hands to wrap them round her "do something romantic, then ask her to go with you". Kate leans back into my front, I'm hit with the comforting smell of her perfume. "Like what?" Peter asks still clueless, practically begging Kate for a date plan. "Ask her to go to the movies with you, there's a showing of Alien which is her favourite movie on tonight at 8:00 then go get something that she likes to eat, apologise for not asking her and explain you just assumed you would be going together but you want to make it up to her" Kate leans her head back against my shoulder as she tightens her hands on mine. "Kate you're a genius" Peter jumps in the air enthusiastically before he darts towards MJ. "Are you wanting a date like that?" I whisper into her ear enjoying the moment of having my arms wrapped around her. "No, a night in your bedroom watching movies, cuddled up with you and eating Chinese sounds like the perfect night to me" I place a small kiss on Kate's neck as she groans. "You're killing me evan Parker" she pushes out of my embrace, holding my hand as she leads me to her car.

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