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Clint's PoV

She should be back by now. I actually have no idea how long she's been gone but she should be back by now. My palms are sweating with how nervous I am. Honestly the first couple of months I had hope they would find us but at this point all my hope is gone. I pick at the small rock that sits on the sandy floor and throw it at the wall. Just then the door opens and it's Evan standing in the door way. She's holding a tray of food as she walks towards me. The way she's behaving makes me worry. "Evan?" Looking up at her she's not even looking at me. She drops the tray to the ground and kicks it under the bar much like the metal arm man that's been coming in here. "Evan look at me please?" I beg her. She looks down at me quickly with zero emotion. Every movement is strict almost militant. She turns away from me and heads back out the door. This isn't Evan, that much I'm sure. Whatever they have been doing to her has finally worked because the usual Evan has disappeared. I look down to the tray expecting the usual smallest portion but I'm met with a tray full of food. What? That confuses me more. They have spent months starving me, only giving me the bare minimum to survive but all of a sudden I'm given a hearty meal. As much as I'm sceptical to the sudden generosity of my captors, my hunger takes over.

Kate PoV

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Kate PoV

"We need to attend a security meeting at shield headquarters. They want everyone there. I'm not sure what it's about but it's been made mandatory by all of us" Tony looks round the meeting room looking at us all. "Why? They have never wanted to see us all before?" Wanda asks clearly as confused as we are. "I'm not sure. I honestly don't know anymore than that. I was just informed that attendance isn't an option it's an order" he added whilst popping a blueberry in his mouth. "Tony we should be here. Leaving the compound completely empty isn't a great idea" Steve argues, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "Guys I don't want to go to this thing. I agree we shouldn't all be going but we don't have a choice here" he throws his hands in the air then turns round to Bruce "blueberry?". Bruce shakes his head and leans forward "Jarvis can be in full control of the compound while we are out. How long is it Tony?". "An hour maybe two. I'm thinking we all meet here before then travel together in convoy then go to the meeting and come back here together in convoy. That means everyone's safe and together" I don't feel like there's much of an option here so I just nod. "When is this meeting?" Yelena asks clearly unimpressed by having to see men in suits. "The day after tomorrow. Security measures will be in place to keep us safe I promise. Is Loki still imprisoned in Asgard?" Tony looks round the room and finally landing on Thor. "Loki will not be coming to earth anytime soon. That I can assure you.... A gods word should we say. Because I am not merely a man but a god" Thor boasts whilst flexing his muscles. Rolling my eyes they land on Yelena who is mimicking Thor. Tony looks flabbergasted at Thor "o....k meeting adjourned see you all here at 12:00 noon the day after tomorrow. Dress appropriately please".

"What do you think this meetings about?" Yelena asks as we make our way up to our rooms. "Who knows. Have you done the English homework?" I look at Yelena as we climb the flight of stares to the second level where the bedrooms are. "No I'm waiting for one of you to do it then I'll do it" she smiles as we arrive at her room. My room directly opposite hers I reach for my handle and push down. "Of course you're waiting for one of us to do it first. You know you're clever enough to do it yourself right?" I ask her whilst waiting inside the door. "Yeh but you do it so much better Kate" she shouts as she shuts her own door. I laugh and close the door behind me. When I turn round I look round the room. Tony gives every avenger a room here. You can do with it what you want. There's a bed, a bathroom and a closet. Right in the middle of my bed sits my teddy bear that Evan won for me. It's a strange's like she's died because she's not here but there wasn't a funeral and there isn't a grave. So it's almost like a limbo. Pulling out Evan's T-shirt that has more my smell on it now than hers, I place it on the bed. I pull off my shirt replacing it with Evan's. Climbing on the bed I pull the bear up against me as I get lost in my thoughts.

Evan's PoV

I'm sitting at the table with the metal arm man I now know as James barnes. Here he is called the winter soldier. There's very little conversation between us as we eat our dinner. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" He takes a bite out of his chicken thigh not making eye contact with me. "Yes sir" I reply almost machine like. "Good. We will begin in the morning. We will train some more after dinner. You have your procedure first thing in the morning and then the rest of the day we will train. You will be ready for combat by the end of tomorrow" he states picking at his bread. "I'm ready for whatever is required of me sir. I won't let you down" I declared looking down at the plate full of food. "Eat up soldier you're going to need it" I look down at the plate and pick up a potato taking direct order from my sergeant.

"Rise and shine soldier it's 06 hundred hours and you have an appointment with doctor Zola remember" I sit up in my bunk and lay my legs over the side of the bed. Sergeant Barnes places a pile of clothes on the table opposite my bunk and leaves. Grabbing the khaki pants I pull them up over my boxers but they won't stay up with how big they are. There's so much room round the waist and the bottoms come right over my feet. I place the sandy coloured shirt over my body which again drowns me. As I'm pulling over my shirt I'm constantly fighting in holding up my pants. I notice there are no boots so I make my way out to the hallway. "Perfect" sergeant barnes smiles at me and leads me to the lab room. On the way there I tripped a few times over the pant legs. When we get into the lab I notice sergeant barnes walking towards a long pod like machine. "This might hurt..." he stands at a console pressing buttons as the machine fires up. "But it'll be over soon. Take it from someone who knows" he looks at me as the machine opens up. Still holding onto my pants I take a step up towards the machine. I take a Quick Look to Bucky who nods towards the machine. I step inside laying back against the cold metal. Sergeant barnes straps me in quickly and gives me a reassuring nod before stepping back. The next thing I see is the doors closing on me and a bright light.

After a few moments of excruciating pain and light flashes the doors open again. The pain in my body is indescribable. There was so much going on and I'm so glad it's over. As the doors open my eyes lock with sergeant barnes who is looking at me with the biggest smile "the plan is complete" he states into an ear piece.

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