As he gets ready to exit the room, he doesn't forget to grab the necklace and letter Taehyung gave him. The letter that he received in the mail after rejecting him, he kept it as deep in his heart he knew he was who he loved, truly. Not that he would admit it.

As he was too haughty and spoiled back then.

He tucks the letter into the pocket of his sweatpants and looks down at the exquisitely simple butterfly. Before putting it on, he gives it a gentle pat and a kiss. These are the two items he wishes to be buried with. Everything he left was in the letter he sent to his former friend. Park Jimin or actually Min Jimin now. After Taehyung's passing, Jimin severed any connections with him because he believed Jungkook was to blame, and he was correct.

He glances at the window as it might be a safer option to sneak out and decides to use it. He can't risk being seen. He walks to the window peering out into the night. The rain is softly falling, as the man smiles.



"Come on Kookie, feel how the rain falls as I did for you," Taehyung giggles twirling in the rain, waiting for Jungkook to join him. He never did.

"Stop being immature, and let's leave," Jungkook says rolling his eyes and walking away.



"How blind I was," murmurs Jungkook as he slides out of the window and into the night.

Jungkook headed to his father company. He walked all the way for over an hour. He didn't care how far away it was or how long it took him as he limped all the way. Even though nightfall had arrived, he didn't mind the darkness because his life was the scariest place he had ever been. The rained had picked up and it was falling heavily now. The occasional flash of lightning illuminated the sky. It was almost as though it was yelling in the man's behalf since, as he himself had nothing left to say.

Although his parents were aware of Justin's treatment of him, they blamed him for stirring him up. Before learning that they had paid Justin to have Jungkook fall in love with him, he never understood why they could not support him. Everything had been entrusted to him and his older brother Harry Jeon (who was now married and became Harry Styles) by his grandparents. Because they saw Jungkook as inferior, his parents were disappointed and never thought an Omega could carry on a lineage. At least Harry was a Beta, who was married to his Alpha, Michael Styles. The will specified that everything would be divided in half when they married their destined partner. But Taehyung was rejected by Jungkook, thus Harry ended up with everything.

After robbing a security guard of his card key the previous time, he visited the business to plead for assistance for his family, Jungkook enters the building discreetly and makes his way to the elevator.

Pressing the button, Jungkook rode the elevator to the rooftop. Where his happiness awaits.

He was ecstatic to be able to rest at last. If an afterlife exists, he doesn't know if he would encounter Taehyung there. Still, he was wishing.

If only he could alter the course of history. His choice this time will undoubtedly be Taehyung. He isn't going to lie though; he will surely take revenge as well.

The elevator door chimes as he arrives at his destination, and he leaves the key card of the security guard inside. Wherever he goes, he won't be needed. He hears the door shut behind him as he leaves. To get to his objective, he had to ascend a flight of stairs.

When he gets to the top, he enters the code to unlock the rooftop entrance. His family doesn't bother making any changes, even though they despise him. He knew all the passwords as they were the same. They never thought he could do anything against them and were correct.

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