Chp 13 : The party

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Listen, I understand that you don't want to be around me now, but that shouldn't be the reason to leave the party.

Please don't leave; I will do my best to avoid being in your way. You were probably invited to this by Blackson. Leaving without even sending a birthday wish would be rude of you.

With a frustrated groan, I agreed, saying, "Okay, I'll stay for a bit, but I'll have to head home early." Staying here late is not convenient for me.

"I could drop you home," he offers.

"Sorry, but I can't take you up on your offer." While Ben and I were standing outside, conversing, I noticed that several women were staring at us, especially at him. That irritates me for some reason, and I don't know why.

You seem to have a lot of female admirers. Their fixation on you is unwavering.

Providing me with a subtle grin, he whispered "Is envy plaguing you?" I responded with annoyance, "Absolutely not."

Wow, that wasn't the response I was hoping for, but be rest assured, I only have eyes for one woman, even though she doesn't notice me.

Well, that's too bad. "Tell me, McLean , is there any other secret you haven't told me about?" for example, like your name.

"How did you come by that name?" he ask. You know what? Don't answer that. If I didn't bring that name up in conversation, it's because I didn't think it was significant.

I see, then tell me what other insignificant thing are you not telling me?

Tell me shelley, why is it that you turn to think am withholding things from you. I have done nothing but to be forthcoming with you every step in the way, if I choose to leave out my last name then you should know it for personal reasons.

What else will you have me do so you can be assured of my good intensions? Tell me.

Why do I keep hurting Ben with my words. He has been nothing but forthcoming and good to me. I guess am so use to having fault in all men that I refuse to think there might be some good ones.

My apologies, Ben; I never meant to be so hostile toward you. My issue is that I simply do not trust people of your gender. I get your point, and I agree that you should be free to choose whichever name you like. I do not possess the authority to inquire into that matter or utilize it to cast doubt on your character.

It ok we all make mistakes. Now can we please get back inside. The others might be waiting on us.

"Did you say us?" please tell me Dr. Blackson do not know about us.

He is aware that we are acquainted. Rest assured, there is nothing else to worry about. As he guided me through the door, he placed his palm on my lower back and murmured, "Please, after you." The sensation of his hand on my back is palpable.

Once inside, we proceed silently to the bar, walking side by side.
As we approached the bar, Dr. Blackson announced, "Guess who decided to make herself known. None other than Miss Dickson. So, were you seriously going to leave without even saying goodbye?"

"Who said anything about leaving? I was only stretching my legs, nothing more." Anyway, happy birthday to you, Dr. Blackson. I came bearing a gift, but it looks like I left it on the gift table.

Not a problem. Please accept my sincere appreciation for the birthday present and well wishes, as well as for celebrating with my family, friends, and myself. You should have a good time.

"Well, I don't mind if I do," as I stated.

Shelley, Please let me introduce you to a friend of mine. This is Mathew. The friend I told you about, whose wedding I attended the last time, says Ben.

Holding out my palm, my hand is firmly shaken by Matthew's. "Yap, I do recall that." Congratulations on your marriage, Mr. Matthew. May it be a successful one.

"Well, thank you." I've heard so much about you, and I'm finally putting a face to a name. Although I must admit that Ben neglected to compliment your beauty, he said this while kissing my knuckles.

I express my gratitude for the compliment while my cheeks flushes.

These three seem to get along famously. In their friendship, every single one of them plays a part. Take Matthew, for example. He's the naughty one; definitely a playboy. That is analytical, Ben. He is sure to look at everything closely. Gideon assumes the guardian role-someone who can save them from any sticky situation. To be honest, I'm envious of their friendship.

"So, Shelley, tell me what your opinion is on my friend Ben here." Gideon Blackson inquired.

"What now?" Since the question caught me off guard, I responded in surprise.

Um! I do not know Adam well enough to offer my opinion about him, Dr. Blackson, but based on what I have learned so far from my encounter with him, he is rather humble and kind.

"Is that the kind of quality you require in a man?" He inquires.

"I beg your pardon!' I snapped."

Enough! Blackson. Said Ben. Shelley, please accept my apologies for my friend's bluntness.

For the time being, I will have to agree with Ben. There are some topics about which my husband simply cannot control his incessant curiosity. "Forgive him, please." With a pleading voice, Mrs. Blackson joins her husband.

Margaret, don't worry. In the end, it was merely a query. The only thing is that a query of that nature caught me off guard. Besides, my opinion on men is irrelevant.

"Why?" This time it was Matthew's turn to do the inquiries.

It is hardly the place or time to talk about these things. I say this as I drink down my champagne to wash away the bitterness that the question brings to me.

At that moment, the MC's voice boomed over the microphone, signaling the commencement of the cake-cutting ceremony. He summons the host and his wife over to proceed with the event.
As I watched the couple address the masses, I couldn't help but feel a gaze on me. At the corner of my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Ben sizing me over. When he notices my recognition of his admiration, he awkwardly clears his throat.

"I am truly delighted that this gathering attracted such a large turnout. Because Blackson isn't very sociable, he says, and for a second I was afraid the place might be deserted."

Snorting, she says, "I am sure the majority of them are here not to celebrate his turn of age but rather to get a glimpse of his life outside of work."

So, what is your justification then? Why did you consent to be present? He poses the question.

With a smirk, she says, "Out of duty, of course." It was almost as if she caught a fleeting sight of Ben's lips painting a smile.

At that very moment, the MC. Cut her off mid-thought when he said that everyone should clear out so the couple dance to the tune of "Je M'appelle" by Darkovibe featuring Davido.
The crowd went into a frenzy when the couple stepped onto the dance floor, displaying their moves. I must say it surprised me to see Dr. Blackson dance. Not in a million years would I have thought him to be a good dancer.

Others began to trickle out onto the dance floor as the music continued.

"Do you care to dance with me?" Ben has a question for her.

Sorry, I don't dance. I should get going; it's getting late. Please extend my apologies to Mr. and Mrs. Blackson for my immediate departure. If I don't leave now, I will get home late.

The evening has been delightful. It was a lot of fun. "I hope you and Mr. Mathew have a wonderful evening," she said.

On her approach to the exit, Ben politely requested to be her escort.
Outside, he made idle chatter with her while she awaited her Bolt trip home.

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