Chp 4 : Reunion

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"Wake up, wake up!" We are going to be late.

Stretching out in bed, I replied, "Late for what?" I don't remember the last time I had such a good night's rest. Leave it to my brother to ruin it for me.

What is the fuss about? It's only 8:00 a.m. It's too early for this drama.

I see Dad did not inform you about today's plans.

What plans? I ask.

There was a dinner reservation made at the Bridge View Resort with Agyapong's family this morning. I have been looking forward to this since I got here, and I will not have you ruin it for me.

Ok! am up. It's just dinner.

Sitting up in bed, I looked at my brother, surprising me as I was still trying to understand why he was so worked up about this dinner.

With him pinching me, I screamed. "What was that for?"

I needed to be sure you were awake. It looks like you did not hear me say "Bridge View Resort." I did. What is so great about this place?

I can't believe you just asked me that. Why don't I Google that for you? Here! Read it.

It says here that it is known for its captivating views of the Adomi Bridge and the Volta River due to its location on a hill, its delicious food, outstanding architecture, friendly staff, and great live band musicians. It's one of the nicest hotels here in Atimpoku.

Well! Quiet the four-star review, if I may say so.

Yes! You may. Up! Get yourself ready. We don't have all day. I will inform our parents that you will be ready in a few.

Just when I thought I had a whole four days to myself before getting back to my busy life, instead I got to spend it with the Agyapong family, and only God knows what else.

Don't get me wrong; I am not complaining about a chance to get out often and have fun, but fun doesn't have that family name attached to it.

I have known that family since infancy. They have been close friends with us. I am not looking forward to Mr. Agyapong's constant bragging about how well-off his son is and how proud he is that he joined the US Navy.

For his wife, I can tolerate her. She is so down-to-earth and graceful. Sometimes I wonder how a lady like her ends up with a man as rude and undignified as Mr. Agyapong.

As I emerged from the bathroom in my robe and a towel in hand, drying out my hair, I wondered which dress I should go for.

I laid out a few options on the bed. I want something simple but yet scream chic.

What if I wore this olive-green long-sleeve one-shoulder top with these black jeans and white sneakers? and a golden clutch to complement my studs. An updo will suffice for my hair.


As I checked myself in the mirror, I realised that I hadn't done anything to my lips.

Picking up my brown lip liner, I carefully trace it along my lip and finish it off with a lip gloss. "Perfect! Now I am good to go." Let's not keep them waiting any longer.


"Wow! This place is so breath-taking." Just look at how beautiful the layout is. "Right this way, please," said the waiter.

As he leads us across a mountain of stairs to the lounge, I curiously observe my surroundings, whispering something under my breath. "I am definitely having my honeymoon here."

Realising that I have said out loud what was meant to be kept in mind. I covered my mouth with my hand in shock, but my parents laughed. They were amused and glad that, at least, I have not put off the idea of ever getting married.

"Shelly! Is that you?" Oow! My goodness, you have changed so much. Just when I thought there would be less drama at the table, leave it to Agyapong to include one more member at the table.

"Sarah!" What are you doing here? Last time I heard, I was told you joined your brother in the state.

Yes, that's true. She said, But you know me, I can't be kept in one place for long.

Well! Surely I wasn't expecting to run into you.

Sarah Adwoa Agyapong is the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Agyapong. Rumour had it that she was engaged to be married to Daniel Safo. A multimillionaire who is the CEO of the Safo Solar Enterprise at Aburi. As to why they did not tie the knot well, I am not one for gossip.

She has been my close friend since high school, but unfortunately, our paths have changed since we both went to different universities. As to how we became friends, please don't ask.

So!, When did you get here? You know, anytime I ask of you from your parents, their expression changes. Saying something about how they don't know when you will drop by, but I do like the new you. Back then, you hated make-up.

Well, I still do, as I replied bitingly.

Not all of it I can see, but I love the little things you have going on.

Right! Did I forget to tell you that Sarah owns her own boutique and cosmetic shop? I can't wait to see her judge my fashion choices.

Ladies, we have a whole day for you to gush up.

As I listened in on Sam's complaints, we settled into our various seats, and I heard my father address the man to whom all this was made possible.

"James, I must extend my heartfelt gratitude for inviting us to this outstanding venue. Me and my family are very appreciative of the opportunity to dine here."

Come on, George, what are friends for? Besides, it is a festive month. A day to hang out with friends and family. Come on, man! Let's just sit and enjoy each other's company.

Waiter! Can you get us some red wine, as he ordered us to each place our orders? With Ayra-Starr music, rhythm-blues beaming in the background, and conversation flowing across tables, food and drinks were pouring in. I must say we are off to a great start.

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