Chp 20 : The Visit part one.

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Standing at the entrance of Miriams Hospital Chamber, Ben delicately knocked on the door while holding a package. Slender woman in her late twenties sits on the bed. Whatever it is that she's reading has clearly captured her attention. Unprepared for the unexpected knock, she looked up and saw Ben. Unexpectedly, she beamed.

"Ben, you came." On his approach to her, he returns her smile.

"Yes, I have." He extended the package he was holding to her. "This is for you."

Unwrapping the box, her smile becomes wider as she discovers what Ben brought her. Treats that she loves.

My favourite kind of chocolate is it. My deepest gratitude. “I love it.”

Hey, "I met Shelly!" she says with a thrill. I have to admit that when Matthew described her to me, he neglected to emphasise how lovely and charming she is.

"Where in the world did you meet her?"

In the mall, as Ben puts it. Her assistance was invaluable while I was selecting a wedding present for you and Matthew.

“Her taste is impeccable. Her personality appeals to me. Without a doubt, she is the one for you.”

I share your belief. If only she could see it for herself. She has no faith in me.

Doubtless, she will. So, you two have only recently crossed paths. If you give her a little time, she will probably come around. Not to mention, I have the impression that she has feelings for you. Your mention always made her eyes light up, and I could see it whenever we were talking. An insatiable curiosity about you consumes her.

With a heavy sigh, Ben plopped down on the bed beside her. She has piqued my interest. Assuming it doesn't terrify me would be dishonest of me. Numerous college-aged women had my heart, but I was choosy about who I let into my life. It is puzzling to me as to why Shelly is unique.

She placed a hand on Ben's shoulders and whispered, "I know there's something special about her."

If I understand you well, you're referring to her refusal to bend or give in to the will of any guy, no matter how much they try. My mum would be so much better if she was more like her. If she hadn't given in to my father's abuse, maybe she would have been happy.

Hey there! Does it still occupy your thoughts? Everyone knows that she has broken off contact with your father and is now being herself again.

"I know, but that took a lot of therapy sections to get her there."

As Matthew walks in on their talk, he asks, "Am I interrupting anything?"

Nah, I don't think so. My parents' names came up while we were catching up.

Oh, I perceive. To some extent, I get that. Matthew says this while he offers his wife a can of Pepsi.

So, Ben, how was the discussion with your partners at work? You extended your stay here, according to Blackson, who informed me that you contacted them.

I thought he did. Sure enough, they were on board with my choice; the only catch was that I needed to set a return date for them.

It seems like I will be staying for a little longer.

"That's fantastic," Mathew exclaims. Shelly supposedly phoned in sick today, according to Blackson.

"Really, I had no idea." How did that happen?

Midway through his sip of Pepsi, he speaks. "I don't know either." According to Blackson, she had contacted her supervisor to request time off work due to severe pain.

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