Chp 12 : Two can play

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Ben stormed into his hotel room, slamming the door shut and muttering, "Damn you Shelley! If you think rushing off to that town will keep me from getting close to you, you have another thing coming. You are not going to get away from me so easily."

"So, Shelley, any stories from your Christmas break that you think I might find interesting?"

She looked up at Dr. Blackson as she straightened herself from the stack of papers before her. "I beg your pardon."

"It's a harmless question, is it not? I only wish to know how your holiday went."

"Fine. Yours?"

He slumped into the chair, exhaling in annoyance, and said, "Not so good."

"Are you interested in discussing it?" I inquire.

'Nope,' he said.

"Then neither do I."

"You know you have changed since you came back. It makes me wonder if something might have happened."

"Change how exactly?!"

"You've been pretty quiet lately. It's not as if you were a chatty person, but you appear to be primarily lost in contemplation. Take the last time, for example. I was talking to you, but you were not paying attention. It felt like I was talking to a wall."

Dr. Gideon Nii Blackson is one of the few clinicians I've had the pleasure of working with since I was assigned to this unit. He is not the type to strike up a discussion, so the unexpected fascination in my life has astonished me. I've always loved his attention to detail. Nothing escapes him. I don't want that kind of attention elsewhere in my life.

'Shelley!' Yes doctor. "Now isn't the time to wool-gather about whatever it is you have going."

"So sorry, you were saying."

"Never mind that. We should get back to work."

It's been two weeks since I returned from my parent's place, and things haven't been the same. Falling asleep has been a nightmare for me because Mr. Adams occupies most of them. I constantly wake up from the most vivid dreams, hot, frustrated, and moist between my legs.

After the chemistry between Adam and me and how I react to his every touch, our close kiss at the resort appears to play in my dreams now and then, where he kisses me with his arms wrapped around me, sucking and tasting my tongue, leaving both of us moaning and panting for breath. He does things to me that I can't even articulate. If I am to survive, I must avoid him at all costs.

Today was an especially dull shift, and it's now over. I was about to approach the curbside taxi stand when I heard what sounded like a horn honking at me. I turned towards the sound and was waved over by Doctor Blackson. I noticed he was on the phone as I got closer to the vehicle. As I draw near, I inquire, "Do you need my help with anything doctor?"

"Not really; I simply neglected to extend an invitation to you. You see, tomorrow is my birthday, and a few of my pals have planned a celebration for me at the Kata Lounge."

"Most of our coworkers will be there, and I was hoping you could participate as well. I think you'll be able to make it given it's on the weekend. Would that be okay with you?" He asked with a raised brow, expecting my response, and I agreed to be present, not wanting to disappoint. It wasn't like I had a choice.

"Excellent," he remarked, his smile revealing a hint of mischief. "There, we shall meet up. Good day."

Nothing seems to be happening on this lovely Saturday morning. There is tranquility in the atmosphere. Today feels like a great day to do some housework. My phone's alarm tone went off at that very moment. A communication appears to have arrived via text message. I read the text message from Dr. Blackson as I scanned through my phone.

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