Killing boredom (nsfw)

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Inv's pov:

I feel asleep really fast but it didn't last long, if I were to estimate I'd say I was woken up half and hour later by the sound of fapping? I'm not quite sure but I guess I could go check on Nelto, I went to his room, the sound was coming from his room, no doubt about that.

"Sup" I entered his room abruptly.

"WAAHAHAHH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Nelto hid under the blankets at the speed of light

"You woke me up, simple as that"

"Oh... was I that loud?" He said ashamed

"Yeah, you got lube in that drawer, it doesn't seem like you have a phone, here, you can borrow mine."

He went silent, becoming even redder.

"What's wrong? If you're going to jerk off you might as well do it right, I cant possibly force my guest to jerk off without any lube or porn. Anyway, I'll leave you to your own devices, try to be quieter, I'm going to sleep"

I left and went to sleep, I woke up the next morning, Nelto was just waiting in the kitchen and Edi was still sleeping.

"Oh, morning, you sure wake up early"

"It's 10 in the morning, I don't know in what world that's considered early. I woke up at 9"

"You watched us sleep for a hour?"

"Not quite, only for about 20 minutes, I just sat around and looked out the window mostly"


"I just want to know where the goddamn bathroom is"

"The first door to the right on the hallway, why didn't you just check? This ain't no 60 room mansion"

"I don't like the idea of me just going around wherever I please in your house"

"You're gonna be living here for a while so act like it"

"Ok, do you have any spare toothbrushes?"

"Just check the drawers"

"Got it"

Nelto went off into the bathroom and came back a few minutes later.

"Didn't you take a shower?"


"Well go do that, you're a Vaporron, I thought you guys loved water"

"I don't even know if that's racist or stereotypical, I would have if there was a towel or something I could've used afterwards"

"Tough luck, they're all in the washing machine. You'll just have to go nude until you pick some clothes from my room, I won't look"

"Are you one of these guys that leaves all of the household chores for one day?"

"Yep, now go take a shower, I'm sure we've all become sweaty nerds after the DND session we had yesterday"

"Ok, I get it, dont look or I'll kill you"

"Don't get what you're getting so worked up over, don't you remember last night?"

"Don't mention it ever again" he said embarrassed

"Sorry if I'm being an asshole, you'll just have to punch me in the face if I go to far but don't you appreciate what I did for you last night?"

"Guess I will just punch you in the face"

"That answers my question, go ahead, I'm curious as to how strong you are"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Yep, now do it"

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