Something's wrong

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Next was my turn. "Truth or dare?" I asked Edi.

"Hmmm, dare"

"There's a lake south of here, take this bucket and get some water while holding the bucket on top of your head", after I said that he quickly ran off to complete his dare.

"Alright, do we just hide in trees and mess with him?"

"Oh yeah, we can do that" Ruffles said with a certain evilness in his tone. We then hid in some nearby trees and waited for him to come back.
We saw him running at full sprint, yealling for us.

"Guys there's a bleeding Leafeon!"

"Holy shit for real?"

"I'm not joking, get the fuck down from there, he has a fucking arrow through his leg!" We all quickly got down from the tree, I grabbed a medical kit and started following Edi towards the leafeon

"Here he is"

"Crap" I quikly put a turnicate above the wound and called an ambulance, I could see the leafeon was awake.

"Hey man! You hear me? Hold in there were getting you an ambulance."

"Darnit (he sighted), I have seriously fucked up"

"Whatever you did to get an arrow through your leg isnt anything short of a major fucky-wucky, thank god we found you"

"Funny shit is that God is the very reason I'm in this situation" he was unusually calm for having an arrow through his leg, it was probably because of the blood he lost but there aren't any signs that he would've bleed any significant amount.

"Can you explain?" Distracting him is probably the best thing to do.

"Shitty cult hunting me for being a "herectic""

"Rock of ages valley?"

"Oh, so you know what village in talking about, I don't believe you would be part of it, the cult is super racist afterall"

Edi's pov:

Fuck, inv will surely pay a visit to them after the leafeon is safe, I must make sure he doesn't involve himself with that cult again.

"Please don't do it" I begged while hugging Inv

"Don't do what?" The rest of them asked.

"I think it's time I explain a couple of things, last year my mother and I moved to rock of ages valley, the village there is led by a cult who hated me because I'm a Sylveon, they abused me and even sent me to what is basically a labor camp so I had enough and one night I killed all of the people in charge of the labor camp, the town sheriff, the cult leader and I crippled her son"

"I need a moment to take this in" Norra said

"I think I'll come with you" Ruffles told her

Inv's pov:

After they went back to the camp only me, Edi and the leafeon was left.

"Wait, are you the same Sylveon that released me? I can't tell because when I saw him he was covered in blood"

"What's your name?"


"Yep, I'm the same guy, you looked so lifeless back then, im happy you were able to escape that he'll hole"

"I'm afraid not, my parents will just get me back"

"Well that's an easy fix"

"Don't you fucking dare" I said to Inv

"Let's leave it in ash's hands, say do you want me to kill your parents?"

"I knew it" I said to myself.

Drizzlshade [Sylveon x umbreon]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin