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I managed to gather some pieces of wire, with some practice on some unused locks I learned lock picking, I had also made a simple shiv using some broken glass I found, it's time to begin.

On a rainy night I lock picked my cells lock, the master's house happened to have a window opened which I climbed through, successfully entering the house, they slept in separate rooms so after lock picking my way into them I was safe, i sliced the first ones neck, he tried to scream but he couldn't.

I did the same for the second one, I was now in front of the door of the final master, no reason to stay quiet so I kick the door off it's hinges, before he can even realize what's happening I already got a hold of his arm, cutting it's tendons, due to how suddenly it happened his adrenaline hadn't quite kicked in so he screamed at the top of his lungs, I was able to catch his other arm and do the same, I punched him in the neck, putting him in a sort of vegetative state.

I brought him outside and using his keys I unlocked the rest of the people locked up there, I gathered them all and we decided to burn him at the stake, they tied him to the stake while I prepared a torch, he started pleading and apologizing but I just said "it's too late to start apologizing", I tossed the torch, setting him aflame, I started walking away towards the village, I could hear him screaming for several tens of meters.

I arrived at the village, it was the middle of the night so everyone was asleep, I made my way to the sheriff's office which was also where the sherrif lived, breaking into his house and doing the same thing I did to the last master, telling him "I reported every single thing they did to me yet you never did anything about it, I'm replacing you for your ignorance, there's plenty of justice to be served" after which I sliced his neck, taking his revolver with me.

I visited the cult leaders house, breaking into her house like I did so many times today, I found her sleeping alone and I was able to mouth gag and tie her with some rope I found laying around, taking her into the kitchen, I threw a bottle onto the ground to attract her son and my "personal instructor", as soon as he came into sight I shot him in both knees, I could see his mom trying to scream at him to run but it was no use.

I shot the cult leader in the back of the head, execution style, making sure her son watched everything, which he did and passed out soon after, I stole her phone and ate whatever I could find before leaving the house, I then made my way to the church which I set on fire.

As I walked east towards the industrial complex I called my best friend, Edi.

"Hey man, haven't talked with you in a while"

"Oh, is it you Inv? I didn't recognize the number"

"Yeah, it's me, I'm borrowing a phone, Im coming back to the industrial complex and I need a place to stay in, thought you could maybe help me"

"Of course, id be happy to help you out"

"Alright then, I think I'll arrive tomorrow in the morning"

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