Calm before the storm

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Edi's pov

I woke up first, I did my morning routine and thought that I might as well make breakfast since I have some time before I need to get going and I bet Inv is pretty hungry.

I decided on a simple omelette, it wasn't anything fancy but it'll suffice, it's time to wake up Inv, I went up to him and nudged him awake, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and asked me "did you cook something? I smell food."

"Yeah, I made you an omelette"


He proceeded to go to the bathroom, quickly coming back then he absolutely devoured the omelette in less than a minute.

"It was really good"

"Thanks, we should get going"

We walked to collage, before we could even enter it we were stopped by Fang.

"I challenge you to a boxing match, unless you're a pussy" he said to Inv

"Yeah, sure, when do you wanna fight?"

"During PE"

"That means it's like official"

"Yeah, you better get ready cause-"

"It's settled, now fuck off, I've got places to be" he cut him off, walking away.

Inv's pov

Annoying asshole, I'll make sure he deeply regrets any attempts at trash talking during the match.

"Do you even know how to fight? He does boxing ya know" Edi asked

"I have no idea how to box but I'm more than confident in my fighting capabilities"

"You should really take a look at the rules if that's the case"

I noticed that other people seemed much more intrested in me, I bet he did some advertising to hype this match up.

An Espeon walked up to me and said "please beat him up", before I had a chance to respond she quickly ran into the crowd, I suppose Ruffles was right about Fang only being liked in the eyes of teachers.

This fight will be quite a bit of fun.

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