Settling in

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Ash's pov:

It seems like Inv and Edi left, I don't think I have to arrive to the college at 7 since I'm just going to be doing some paperwork so I'm probably going to be lazing around the house for a bit.

I went into the kitchen to find a note posted onto the fridge.

"You should go to college at around 1 pm, until then just sit around, you have food in the fridge"

Guess I should eat something, I'm a pretty hungry, I searched the fridge for something to eat, spotting a bowl of frozen spaghetti, with another note attached to it.

"This is basically the only food we have so I know you're gonna see this, just wanted to say to enjoy my spaghetti, Nyeh heh heh!"

I heated up the spaghetti and tasted it, it was somewhat bland but not as inedible I thought they'd be based on their presentation.

I sat around for a bit after eating it, mostly just admiring or criticizing their taste in interior decor, just because there wasn't any reason to hurry didn't mean I didn't have to brush my teeth or fur so I went and did that, taking another look at their home I thought to myself.

Maybe I should clean this place up a bit, it's the least I can do for them.

I got to work, just cleaning everything I saw and making the whole place shiny, even after doing a throught cleaning there still was more than 2 hours left to waste so I went and looked out the window, just observing other eevee's life's, still filled with boredom I got on the couch and started going through tv programs, yet again I was filled with boredom.

Well this sucks, maybe I should go for a walk.

I went outside and I was immediately greeted by fresh air, I walked a around in the park until I decided that I should just go to the college and get it over with, there was a slight problem unfortunately, I had no idea where the college or anything for that matter is.

I wandered around until a lovely old Sylveon approached me.

"Are you looking for something?" The old lady asked me.

"Yeah, I need to get to the college, I just moved into the city and I want top go to it"

"The college? Go down the road until you reach a Chinese store then go left and you should get to it"

"Thank you so much!"

I followed her instructions and I got to the college, the college looked very grand, the architecture used columns and other things from Greek architecture.

I walked through the gate and saw some eevee's just chatting, considering I know nothing about the school layout it might be wise to ask for directions.

"Hi, do you know where the principal office is?" I asked a Flareon

"You new here? Didn't hear anything about a new student."

"Kinda, I'm just applying"

"You certainly don't know much about how things work around here, you could say that I'm the king of students, you'll have to obey me if you want things to go smoothly, here are the ru-"

"Buddy, I'm not even a student, even if I was I doubt you could do anything besides spreading rumors, being king doesn't mean you're strong, it just means you're well respected, now you gonna point me to the principal or what?"

"It's to your right but don't bother, I'm the principals son and I'll make sure you're not getting in"

"I wouldn't even want to join if the principal was a dad that let's himself get controlled by an entitled brat. Anyway, thank you, I'll be on my way"

Drizzlshade [Sylveon x umbreon]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora