No significant harassment

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While on our way to math class i accidentally bump into a group of people, Ruffles and Edi muttured something under their breath like i did a catastrophic mistake and I was about to face the consequences.

A Flareon walked up to me, he was fuming.


Unfazed I said "sorry, shit happens" and I started to walk away, Edi and Ruffles went a bit farther away and were watching with a worried look on their face.

The Flareon grabbed one of my ribbons and tried to drag me back, I was starting to get pissed so I turned and gave him a death stare like I was about to murder him, he took a look at my body (my muscles aren't big, just well defined and I was wearing a jacket) and said

"The dogs bark is bigger than his bite, don't do something you will regret, I'll let you go if you carry our equipment" apparently they were in the football team.

"As if, my back has endured enough"

"You asked for it" and he proceeded to deliver a gut punch, only for it to be met by my iron abs.

The Flareon looked shocked, I just took of my jacket and showed him my abs, his mouth hit the floor and he backed off.

I went to Edi and Ruffles and they quickly told me about the Flareon:

"His name is Fang, he's the principals son, hes basically the star of the school, he does football and boxing, he's also pretty smart, doesn't make him any nicer tho, he bullied everyone at least once and is in general an asshole" Ruffles said

"I'm really impressed that you were able to smack some sense into him, it'll probably cause you some trouble with the principal but everyone will respect you"

"Why would it?" I asked looking at a camera which likely recorded everything

"He has a habit of twisting stories and he has a really good reputation among teachers"

"Guess we will just have to beat him to it, let's go to the principal first"

"You're getting into trouble either way, might as well get it over with sooner"

When we arrived at the principal with our report he just sent us away, refusing to belive his son would do this.

Oh well, I doubt he will bother us. We went home shortly after, this day was rather interesting, hope tomorrow is going to go well.

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