Can't catch a break

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Edi's pov:

I woke up, I could feel Inv on top of me.

"Huh, guess we ended up sleeping togheter"

I then realized that I was naked, followed by me realizing what happened last night, making me go red.

"Guess you finnaly woke up" Inv said

"How come you now wake up before me?"

"Not important, say what do you think about last night?"

"I loved it, I want to top next time"

"Good to know, we should really get going, I bet Ruffles is dying to know what happened"

"Don't you dare"

"Sure, I wont" Inv said but we both knew he didn't mean it

We got ready and left, quickly arriving at collage and metting up with Ruffles.

Inv's pov:

"You should become a fortune teller or something" i said

"Where the hell does that come from?"

"Because you can predict the goddamn future, that's why."

The realization hit Ruffles like a truck

"OH MY GOD YOU ARENT TELLING ME YOU GUYS FUCKED!!!!!" He yelled out loud enough for everyone in the collage to hear, which they did and certainly got their attention.

"Ahhhhhh, sorry I didn't mean to" Ruffles apologized

"Let's just get to class"

"Yeah we really should"

After we got to class Ruffles sat next to us.

"Wait is this sexual education? What a coincidence, well I'm more than sure you two don't need it so I'm just gonna have you tell me about what happened" Ruffles said

"I don't really know, this guy over here would certainly kill me if I just revealed what happened considering what we did." I said pointing to Edi

"Come on, tell me, I won't stop bothering you until you do so, at least tell me who topped"

"I did" I said while looking over to Edi who seemed to be suffering from chronic anxiety, Ruffles noticed it too.

"C'mon, what got you all embarresed and worried? Now I just need to know"

"Fuck it, I'll just tell you" Edi said, proceeding to tell Ruffles in excruciating detail everything that happened, accidentally making him hard in the process.

"Seems like you're having fun, I know Edi is a loner and you certainly didn't have a nice first day so I'm happy for the both of you" Norra interrupted, making all of us basically fall out of our chair.

"How long were you there for? We didn't even notice you"

"Since the beginning, I have to say that I never expected you to be into bondage" Norra told Edi, making him enter an embarrassment induced coma.

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised myself" I said, practically putting the nail in the coffin for Edi

"What's more unexpected is Ruffles over here" she said pointing at his obvious hard-on.

"W-wha? I-im not gay" he said while trying to cover up his penis, I have to admit, I never though having a big dick could ever backfire but I guess it can.

"Don't give a shit either way, however I do give a shit about you being honest, there's no shame in being the way you are, I'm asexual if that helps"

"Give me some time"

"You have all the time you need, you have great friends so talk to them, they definitely don't struggle with being gay"

Edi seemed to return back to reality only for him to get sent to the shadow realm by Norra again.

"Did you actually pass out from me saying you're into a harmless kink? It's almost as if you were raised in a strictly christian family for all of your life."

All of us started giggling which actually made Edi start hugging me.

"I have to say, you are a total menace despite being a girl, I'm surprised you were bullied, especially by someone as weak as Fang"

"He was actually scary, pretty sure you just broke him"

"Now then, can you not hug me? We're in public and some people ain't okay with us doing this, I don't want to be obnoxious to others." This however only made him hug me tighter

"Alright, I guess we aren't bothering anyone"

We waited for a bit thinking of what to talk about next.

"Hey do you wanna go camping this weekend?" I suggested to the group

"That sounds exciting, I'm down for it" Norra said.

"Same over here, we had lots of fun last time" Ruffles said

"Unfortunately Edi is mute so he will go whether he likes it or not" I joked

"I can talk for fucks sake. Yes, I want to go"

"That's great, guess everything's planned, meet y'all in the park tomorrow morning"

The day passed and we started going back home.

"The night's still young, we should prepare for the camping trip"

"Alright, what should we bring?"

"I have a bunch of stuff I need to bring, let's go to my storage unit but we should really bring your truck first"

We climbed into his truck and went to my storage unit.

"Alright so we're gonna take this, this and this, why not take this?" I said to myself while throwing things into the back of his truck, ranging from tents, bushcraft knives, canned food, fishing rods and everything else you could possibly need for a camping trip, I then looked at my father's rifle.

"Do you think?" I pointed to the rifle

"Better safe than sorry I suppose, you're strong and all but I doubt you could kill a bear"

"Yeah, you're right."

After we finished Edi said.

"You sure are a diehard camper"

"I loved to camp back when my father was around, most of this stuff is his"

"Oh, sorry"

"It's alright, let's get back home, tomorrow will be a long day"

We arrived back home and I collapsed onto the couch.

"Don't you want to sleep togheter?" Edi asked

"Oops, forgot, it's a habit."

We went to his bedroom, I started getting undressed but I could see Edi hesitating.

"Lemme help you" I said, undressing him with my ribbons

"Im sorry, I'm still shy about being naked around you despite fucking last night"

"You'll get used to it, lets sleep now" I then tossed him into the bed

"Don't be so rough! Im surprised you didn't fuck me so hard that I couldn't stand up from bed this morning."

"Hehe, sorry"

We fell asleep while cuddling, tomorrow is a new day.


Pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've currently written, barely passing 1000 words.

Hope you like the story, I hope I'll be able to make it more "interesting".

Done forget to write your ideas in the comments, I'm not that good at creating characters so suggestions would be awesome.

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