Trying to help

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Inv's pov:

We wandered around the forest until we found a trail that Litiu happened to recognize.

"Wait, I know this trail, let's go on it, there's a really cool place further up it"


We walked on the trail till we were stopped by a big wire fence with several no trespassing signs.

"We just need to jump over it now"

"You sure? I'm not sure if we should"

"Trust me"

We decided to listen to Litiu and we hoped the fence, after a bit more walking through trees we found a bridge connecting 2 cliffs, the bridge was big and the side was thoroughly graffitied but that wasn't important, on the bridge there was a Vaporeon staring off into the horizon, as if recalling memories.

"Hey, who are you? Haven't seen you before" Litiu asked

Silence, he didn't even notice we were there, he crossed the railing but he still held it with his paws.


I rushed at him as fast as I could, managing to grab him with my ribbons just as he started tipping over the edge and into the ground hundreds of feet bellow.

"Holy shit, you good man?"

"I-I'm *sniffle*..." He hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder.

"God, what's going on with him?" Norra kneeled down besides him

"No idea, he just tried to commit suicide so it cant be good"

"I just c-couldnt.." tears began to flood his eyes again

"It's alright mate, just calm down, take your time"

After a bit he seemed good enough to talk.

"I c-cant believe I actually g-got so close this time" He said

"Do you hang out by this place a lot?" Litiu asked

"N-no, it's my first time here"

After some neurons firing in my brain I realized the situation, this guy is suicidal and this isn't his first attempt.

"Do you mind telling us your name?"

"I'm Nelto"

"That's a lovely name, I'm Inv, the umbreon's name is Edi, the glaceon's name is Ruffles, the leafeon's name is Ash, she is Nora and finally there's Litiu"

"Litiu? I think I heard of you online"

"Really? I didn't think I was all that popular"

"I actually came to this place because I saw you bungie jump off this bridge, I didn't plan to bungie ju...."

"Please don't bring that up, we're just happy you're alive, let's go now" Ash interrupted

He remained silent until we got out of the forest.

"I g-guess I have to go, it was nice meeting you, thank you."

"I'm sorry but I can't, I'm too afraid you'll just try finishing what you started and there won't be someone else when that happens, please, can you just stay with us?"

"I c-cant, I don't want to bother you, you already did so much"

"You wont, we have way more space than we need, having to take care of an extra person is nothing to worry about"

Drizzlshade [Sylveon x umbreon]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin