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River tries to figure out something. She never imagined Frith had some unfinished business with her all this time. She always thought of him as the fair and just head village as he composed very well, every time there was a matter that needed to be discussed or talked about amongst the villagers. He is always the one figure that River can turn to for comfort and advice

But after witnessing his anger and dissatisfaction towards her made River think twice. Frith will always be a good leader but as for now, River doesn't think he is reliable as he holds a deep grudge. The song around the fireplace, the music of birds, and the smell of the fresh ocean breeze can be heard alternately with one another.

If only the sun never goes away. the island would be the perfect living place for the entire tribe. River closes her eyes and tries to go beyond her imagination to seek the perfect Westwood Island when the sun still shines upon it. Perhaps the beach and the view from the top of the mountain and hills look stunning as the Monochrome Borderline sea, spread wide up ahead.

"What are you thinking about?" Milo appeared with his lovely smile as always. The handyman is reliable as he always comes and appears out of nowhere, every time River thinks or needed for an assistant.

"Just some old stuff. How is life on the mainland? Anything that looks new or some hot stories that we need to hear about?" Milo chuckles. He shakes his head before answering pleasantly.

"Same old stuff out there, Riv. Nothing new and no threat so far from what I can see and hear! Is Esme allowed to go to the mainland? I see her at the gate and she looks so vibrant. I even bring her to the address that Nanny Roe wants her to be" Milo said as he put all the things that he brought from the mainland into the designated shelf.

"Nona asked her for something. I don't ask for details but I guess it is kind of important if Esme needed to be there. So tell me, what are the hottest movies in the movie theater right now?" Milo laugh. The small happy laugh also made River smile sheepishly.

"I wish I could enjoy watching films at the movie theater. All I can think is to bring what our shops need and your new books. I found something that fascinating for you to read" He handed out two books that looked thicker than the usual books River used to read.

"The Lost City Of Atlantis? What is this all about?" River asked while looking at the cover of the book that looked so magical

"The Lost City Of Atlantis? What is this all about?" River asked while looking at the cover of the book that looked so magical

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"Read it! You'll know once you read it. Although it is only a mythologically written by the human and human understanding about our race, I am pretty sure there's something in there that is worth for us to know. Who knew you might stumble into something that can crack our mystery all these decades and end it for good!" Milo speaks without hiding the real fact that they need to find their ancient city and reverse the pledge. The oath that their ancestor did with their king and queen.

"I guess no harm to try and read the human perspective about our race so far. I wish we all could live at the bottom of the ocean again like we all always did a century before. Are you sure we can find our land back again, Milo?" River asked as she lifted the book. Milo smiles faintly.

"We don't know unless we try, River! Others still looking down there but without our actual tail, it's hard to stay at the bottom of the ocean for long." Milo said with small frustration. "I need to go home for a bit. I'll see you around midnight at the fireplace?" River nods and waves goodbye to Milo.

Looks at the inventory and pours his mind to the shop for a moment is a good distraction from reading the truth about her race from the book. Like Milo's said, they need to reverse the curse for good. If they still can't find what was lost centuries ago and humans might know something about it, there is always an open suggestion and theory of the whereabouts of their lost city.

Contemplating about reading the books, River opens the first page and starts to engross with the words that form inside every sheet of paper, page by page as she gains some of the theory and myth about their race from the inside perspective of human minds.

Contemplating about reading the books, River opens the first page and starts to engross with the words that form inside every sheet of paper, page by page as she gains some of the theory and myth about their race from the inside perspective of hum...

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P/S; The first image is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- Yamurr. The second is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- The Graphic Collect Art | Creative Outlet for Art Enthusiasts and the third image is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- The Lost City of Atlantis tumblr #mythology.

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