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A NEW LOVE IS BORN. ----- End of quotes.

River, reading the newspaper at the dining table. The bunkhouse is quiet. Nanny Roe visited Milo yesterday after he got into an accident in the deep sea near the borderline. River doesn't have a clue as to where Esme went. When River's awake, the side of the bed where Esme lies is already empty.

This month's -14th of the night is today. The sea gate will be open tonight and tomorrow night. The villagers will start to do their routine back again by trading goods from Westwood with the mainland. River's opens a store in Westwood. It's like a version of Minimart on the mainland. The food is mostly stored in cans, boxes, and bottles with an expiration date of a year or two up ahead. She also sold candles, batteries, and matches, which are essential things for the villagers who want to stop using torches around their shed.

The currency they are using is the same as on the mainland. They are just mimicking what the mainlanders do. The price is low from the mainland, of course, as the Westwooders only work in the forest, hunting fresh and rare meat. And at the sea for big fish such as tuna and deep-sea fish that were hard to catch by the mainland fishermen. River leaned over her chair. stretched her arms and legs. She has fifteen more minutes before she goes and opens the store for the night.

 She has fifteen more minutes before she goes and opens the store for the night

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River sat at the dining table, thinking hard. She remembers when Nanny Roe once told them the story of the sea voyagers. Their origin and why they stayed on the island of Westwood

After the four continents separated and the ice melted, in the north, where the Arctic and Antarctic oceans were located, the ice never left. It will stay there for as long as the world exists. People began to spread far away from where they belonged. Built family and community. Built a state and building. People begin to multiply in the East, the West, the North, and the South.

 People begin to multiply in the East, the West, the North, and the South

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The sea voyagers are the sea people or merpeople. The world called them the mermaid. The living sea creature that is often portrayed in books and movies is a myth that never is found true. Before the eruption of the sea volcano, in the deep triangle sea, the sea voyagers lived in merriment and worry-free freedom from anything and anyone. Nobody looks for them or their treasure.

They live at the bottom of the sea in a deep triangle ocean. There's a house and building like the mainland. Lots of entertainment places to go to. Have schools and hunting playgrounds, where they hunt for deep-sea eels and octopuses. These two creatures are the hardest to take down as they never surrender before a fiery fight. The young merpeople hunt this for practice. If they find themselves in a situation where they must fight for their lives.

There's also a king and queen of the ocean. The palace is huge and decorated with precious pearls that can only be found at the bottom of the ocean floor with vibrant colors. The gemstones were rare, but it was certainly easy for merpeople to find one if they wanted to. Living in harmony in the deep sea for millions of years, suddenly their happiness erupts with the eruption of the deep sea volcano.

Before the eruption, the merpeople thought of the volcano as the sacred sea mountain as it provided hot and warm water when the winter's icy cold from the north attacked the bottom of the deep triangle ocean. The eruption kills almost everything and everyone. The only survival is from the sea voyagers.

The sea voyagers are the merpeople who disguise themselves as humans. Maintain the law of the sea by acting like a fisherman with a big boat. Trading pearls, gemstones, and fish with the people on the mainland. Learning what mainland people do with their civilization, education, language, clothes, and the way they talk and walk. The sea voyager is like a special agent, working undercover. Gaining more intelligence to make sure no one knows about the merpeople.

As they are working undercover, therefore family always comes together. The sea voyager mostly sails with two families in one big boat. Working from all over the world only ten sea voyagers boat left and survived. The ocean floor was burned and turned foggy and dark. The pollution is enormous. Killed almost everything on the ocean floor. The seawater above becomes murky and black, as the ashes from the hot lava still burn deep down there.

The ashes and the burn stay for six months long. The people from the mainland were busy putting everything back to normal and when they did, the line between the clear blue ocean divided into two. The dark black ocean emerges from the triangle sea, where the origin place of merpeople used to live. The water was combined with the white ashes and still can be seen floating alongside the black water to this day. This is why the sea voyagers name the sea the Monochrome Borderline. This is also where the gate to get in and out from Westwood island to another mainland out there, is located. Right in the middle of the deep triangle ocean.

The gates were heavily guarded by the sea voyagers, in the form of merpeople

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The gates were heavily guarded by the sea voyagers, in the form of merpeople. They are sea warriors and menfolk from Westwood village. Every merman takes a turn guarding the gate. The main task is to avoid any main vessel or people from the mainland to get across the Monochrome Borderline. The heavy fog and dark skies surrounding Westwood Island are the perfect camouflage for hiding the islands as no one dares to sail in this dark side of the unknown world.

P/S; The first image is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- Глеб Улитичев. The second is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- Sena. The third is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- Alpha Coders/ and the fourth is from THE USERNAME/PAGE--- Alexander Vieth.

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