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In the middle of the night, River forced herself out of bed. She had made some vague plans about going up Westwood Mountain alone and exploring the dark mountain alone. Nanny Roe still halts her training by saying that she hasn't prepared for the big responsibility. After making herself lunch, River walked out of her house. The night feels good tonight, as the wind blows slowly and the cold breeze from the oceans brings the seawater smell across the island. If the smell of seawater arrives, that means the seaweed is floating around the island.

River's traitorous stomach rumbled loudly enough to frighten the fireflies resting in their nest. Her shoulder shook with a silent laugh, as she felt funny with herself. She was just in the middle of the route to Westwood Mountain when her stomach made the embarrassing sounds. Yes, she was all alone, but still, it made her blush out of nowhere. She was hungry. She needed to get herself refreshed before another growl came from her stomach.

She sat down in the middle of the route and took her lunchbox out of her backpack. Looking around the dark bushes and skies, River inhaled deeply. She can see the cobweb hanging from some bushes. The spider is working diligently to fix its webs after the wind destroys some of them. after resting a bit and finishing her lunchbox. River stood up and rubbed her stomach slowly. "We're going to run a little bit tonight. Let's see how fast we can get up the mountain!" Grinning, River began to press the heels of her shoes to the ground before starting to run.

Running fast on the bushy route, River tries to control her breathing so as not to wheeze and choke while running towards the top. "Phew!" Finally, she reached the top. River closed his eyes and opened her arm wide, inhaling and exhaling several times. She smiled contentedly when she reached the top. She wants to please her mind without thinking about anything else.

"The dangers are mostly an illusion!" River looked back, startling herself when she heard the words break into the darkest night. There's no one there. If no one was present, who was saying those words? River tried to look around and see what was behind the thick, night that surrounded her like a dark-stained wall with silent sounds.

 If no one was present, who was saying those words? River tried to look around and see what was behind the thick, night that surrounded her like a dark-stained wall with silent sounds

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For God's sake, she's at the top of Westwood Mountain! and yet not a single sound came near or across her. Despite the waves crashing on those island borders and beaches, the ocean waves appear to be silent tonight. There isn't a single sound to be heard. River snorted. Maybe she's in this virtual reality. Everything went silent, or maybe she was suffering from sleep paralysis. Her mind began to race with a slew of ideas. She must see Nanny Roe. Perhaps she knew something about what she was going through tonight.

Esme used to tell her that being an oracle and a healer made you experience things far beyond what anyone can normally feel, see, or touch. River let out a sigh. What would happen if the gate was closed forever? What would Esme do if she were in her place? Too much "what" made River's head want to explode. There is no direct answer to all of her questions. Nanny Roe still keeps some of the facts secret from her. She wants to know the truth! The whole truth. Why can't they break the rules? What about those rules that they needed to obey?

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