Fracture in Time XXX - Preshow

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"So like the tournament's in a week and we're just sitting here not doing anything about Rhachel." Zoie said.

"What're we supposed to do?" Cayden asked, "She's part of a cult, if anything happens to her, the rest of the cult find out, if we tell Sahil, he'd do something, which would also alert the rest of the SIW."

"We gotta do somethin', can't let her walk around just doin' whatever she wants." Tyron said.

"I feel like the tournament would be a time for them to strike." Cayden said, "Think we could ask Sahil to be a little more vigilant?"

"I mean, we could, but how would we tell him that? We can't tell him what we know, and you don't know all the stuff we do." Zoie said.

"I only know that Rhachel's in it. You two know the rest." Cayden groaned.

"Look, we're kids, students even." Zoie sat up from his bed, "We shouldn't have to worry about a cult."

"Yeah but that cult hurt the two of you." Cayden said, "I aint sitting back and letting a cult hurt my friends."

"Cayden you couldn't take either of us in a fight." Tyron said.

"The results of our sparring matches would disagree." Cayden rebutted.

"Look, we'll wait until the tournament." Zoie said, "If anything comes up, then we'll talk, alright?" The two looked at her, then nodded.

"But I'm going to watch her like a damn Biristrix." Cayden said with a sour gaze.

"Please stay safe." Yasu hugged her, to her protest.

"I'll be fine." She reassured him. "I ain't weak."

"I know." He said.

"When you two come back we'll throw a party!" May smiled.

"If the paper doesn't say you won I'm gonna be mad at you." Angel smirked.

"Alright, I think it's best we be off now." Fina adjusted a hat over her head, and fixed her robe.

"Alright. Bye." Rose waved, heading out the door in tow to Fina. The rest in the orphanage gave their farewells as they began their week-long trip to Syvahend, taking a boat down the shoreline as it was the safest route.

"Longest I've ever spent on a boat was maybe a few days." Rose said.

"On your voyage from Meria to Rysa, correct?" Fina asked.

"Yeah." Rose nodded, looking to the side of the boat, at the wall of fog that was above the Dark Blue.

"I believe it's best if we find a good way to pass time." Fina said.

"Like?" Rose looked at her for ideas.

"How about I tell you stories of my travels. Woes and Joys." She suggested.

"Sure." Rose turned to her, she seemed like she'd have a few interesting tales.

"Do you know of the constellations?" Fina asked, looking up at the now star-scattered sky.

"Syphus, Sundhia, Nologia, Ods, and a few others, I don't know all of them." Rose said.

"They all come from very old family names, each with their own tale." Fina said.

"Syphus, the constellation portrays someone with fox-like characteristics, it comes from a cursed family, bound to never fulfill their greatest desire, it's a tale that shows the value in being grateful for what you have. Sundhia, some see it as a fairy, some a cocoon, a tale of change, to become what you truly are, and not hiding your nature..."

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