Fracture in Time XIII - Regrets

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Chapter 13
Location: Vhasen, Syvahend
Date: 6652 WE, 1 week since beginning of story.

"Thanks for your help boys." Damon wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead as they all hauled a load of lumber onto the back of Damon and Jodie's carriage. The capital had offered an additional wage to the town, buying lumber from them as the trees in the surrounding forest were of fine age and quality.

"Yeah, no problem." Cayden panted, leaning against the stump of a tree they cut down, hundreds of rings shown from it's center, an accessory showing it's age.

"You two can go back to Vhasen, Jodie'll come around over here in a bit, it's getting late out." He held a hand over his forehead and looked at the sunset in the distance over the ravine.

"I'm gonna go jump in the pond, I'm sweatin' like crazy." Tyron took a heavy breath as he stood up from the carriage, turning away and waving back.

"Did you go to Syvaso?" Cayden asked out of the blue, his mind still racing from Tyron's confession.

"I did, why?" Damon walked over beside him and ripped his axe out of a log, causing it to be uneven, he swung it once more to chop a piece off and make it even, picking it up afterwards.

"How many people with Hypobiria go there?" Cayden said, Damon paused for a moment before picking up the log and placing it in the back of the cart.

"Back when I went, none." He said, "There was a guard course though, I heard they expanded that to a whole dorm which includes hypobiria."

"What's that course like?" Cayden asked.

"Teaches you all sorts of things, using Birijade, normal weapons, Et cetera. There's probably even more after that kid enrolled and changed everything around a decade ago." He picked up the axe and swung at the tree again a few times, deciding to just chop the rest down.

"How would someone with Hypobiria use Birijade?" Cayden asked.

Damon pondered for a moment; "That's a good question. I don't know, Birijade stores, conducts or amplifies Magic, so if you can't release Mana in the first place..."

"So I wouldn't be able to use any Birijade weapons?" Cayden looked at him with a worried look.

"You have Hypobiria?" Damon dropped his axe and went wide-eyed.

"Apparently. Didn't get anything in the magic screening, but the priest said I have my Defined Magic, so I got that going for me." Cayden sighed.

Damon froze at Cayden's worse, in both fear and worry, "Hell happened to you kid? You telling me falling down that ravine wasn't the worst thing to happen to you?"

"...Does something bad really have to happen for you to have a Defined Magic?" Cayden's tone slowed and strayed from his usual cheerful or neutral self.

"The only way for you to awaken your Defined Magic is for something traumatic or stressful to happen to either you or your body, so yeah." Damon knelt down to meet Cayden, now sitting, at eye level.

"...Did you ever hear about the village named Zlaman?" Cayden asked with his head down, his eyes looking at Damon.

"Sounds vaguely familiar." He nodded slightly.

"It was a village not too far from here, about the same distance from here to Saken." Cayden said, pointing in towards the opposite direction of the ravine, parallel to Saken and the fields, Damon turned and looked into the distance, nothing but a flat plateau was there, followed by a thick forest.

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