Fracture in Time V - Jingo

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Chapter 5
Location: Oscar's Home, Vhasen
Date: 6652 WE, 4 Day since beginning of story.

Marcus awoke not in the realm of dead spirits, but in a bed, covered in a light sheet, woken by a sneeze caused by pollen blowing in a light breeze through the window. The sun shone down through the glass, giving view to what was outside; a garden, the bright view of many plants being grown, medicinal herbs. A knock on the door brought his attention to Oscar, who was standing in the doorway.

"Good morning." He said, walking over, "How do you feel?"

"Never been better." Marcus joked, trying to sit up only for a sharp pain in his chest to prevent him from doing so.

"I wouldn't move if I were you." Oscar said, "You broke a few ribs, basically trashed that leg, and got cuts all over the place. I told you to never even try to run with that leg the way it was."

"Didn't really have a choice." Marcus sighed, "How long was I out."

"Few days, you'd be dead if Tyron hadn't been screaming." Oscar said.

"Tyron." Marcus looked at him.

"He's... okay, mostly." Oscar hesitated, "His injuries were treatable, but not reversible."

"What're you on about?" Marcus looked at him in confusion. Oscar looked behind him and nodded, Tyron walked in behind him, his face was covered in bloody bandages, mainly wrapped around the right side of his face; his right eye.

"You're okay." Tyron sighed, the sides of his mouth rising and his face showing the relief he had.

"Mostly." Marcus said, "How's your face? How long 'till it heals?"

Oscar froze, and Tyron's smile disappeared.

"It's gone." He said, looking back at his dad, who's look suggested confusion.

"Whad'ya mean 'it's gone'?" Marcus tried sitting up to look at him, just to get forced back down.

"Thing clawed it out." Tyron said, pointing at his bandage, "Rolled over n' died after I stabbed the thing, so I got the last laugh." 

Marcus closed his eyes and sighed. "You're alright though, right?"

"It's gonna be annoying gettin' used to only havin' half my vision, but yeah I'm fine." Tyron held his hand over where his eye was.

"You," Oscar pointed to Marcus, "Need to get more rest," He turned to Tyron, "And you lad, need to go eat, tell 'em he's awake and stable."

"Alright, I will." Tyron said, "Cya." He waved to his dad and left the room.

"Lie down, get more sleep, you aren't going anywhere for a few days." Oscar ordered.

"How's the town gonna make any money." Marcus said.

"We'll be fine for at least a month, Marcus." Oscar walked to the door, "We're selling the Biricanis meat." He closed the door behind him, leaving Marcus to himself, bedridden with nothing to do but go back to sleep or watch the birds from, the window.

Tyron closed Oscar's front door behind him carefully, and then ran through the town, coming to the only other source of income Vhasen had other than the Pharmacy; Ivanka's restaurant.

"Back!" He stepped on the front porch of the restaurant, seeing most of the townsfolk inside the place over the top of the saloon doors. He walked up and went in, the doors swinging behind him to go back in place. Everyone looked at him in anticipation of his news,

"He's doin' fine." Tyron grinned, everyone cheered or sighed in relief at the update.

"Over here!" Cayden shouted from a seat to his left, near the side of the place under a window. He trotted over and sat down with Cayden and his mom.

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