Fracture in Time - Chapter: Jaris

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 In a world with preset roles, what will you do when you don't fit...

Date: 6644 WE

Biriwater–A wealthy town of riches, where only the nobles could afford to live. Off to the southernmost part of Syvahend, it stood it's ground as a land of hope for a more advanced future–is what it was intended to be. It was nothing more than a town of scum, greedy old pigs who wished for nothing more than a life of relaxation for themself, pushing down anyone else who would dare get in the way of their perfect life, including their own children.

Harrison, is what the child called themself, having no knowledge of where they were born, who their parents were, or even what they were. They wandered the streets, each day seeing nothing but the scornful feelings of the townsfolk.

A dirty brat...

Is it diseased...


Harrison's mind worked in a strange way, despite being born without vision, they always were able to see the waves of emotions stemming from people's hearts, an emotion that no matter how skilled someone was, they could never mask it. Hungry and battered from yet another day of limping the streets and being faced with the scornful souls of Biriwater, they sat against a wall and munched on the reward of their day of labor: a single slice of ham.

"Kid." Harrison halted their movement at the sound of someone's voice, expecting to be kicked down to the ground, or abused in some manner similar; something they'd grown accustomed to by now. They closed their eyes and waited for the pain to kick in–Any moment now. "It's rude to ignore people."

Harrison looked up for their eyes to see the blurry black figure of a tall man standing before them, less so seeing them and more so the lack of light from them blocking the sun. They flinched as the man knelt down, preparing a hit.

"Are you okay?" They asked, putting a hand on their shoulder while Harrison was prepared to run away at the first hit–A hit that never came. "What's your name?"

"...Harrison." They said in a low voice. Nervous as to what the man's intentions were, as the couldn't read them.

"Where's your parents?" He asked, though Harrison couldn't see it, they could smell the smoke coming from a lit cigar, along with the blurry glow from its end.

"I don't... Have any." They shook their head. The man sighed deeply.

"What're you doing in a place like this?" He asked.

"I can't go anywhere else." Harrison replied, feeling the intense eyes of several people around them.

"...Why don't we get out of the middle of the street?" The man looked around, too taking notice of the hateful stares. He grabbed Harrison's hand, taking it in his own and leading the child towards a table near a restaurant. Harrison's clothes alone gave away that they didn't belong, ragged baggy clothes that looked like they were sewn from a potato sack, and torn jeans that looked more like shorts. And their hair was outgrown, like it had never been washed or cut.

"Can I–Help you?" A waitress came out from the restaurant, slowing down when they saw the young child's appearance.

"Two orders of gruel." The man ordered for them, already prepared. The woman walked away, giving the two time to talk. "So you don't know your parents?"

"...No." Harrison shook their head

"So what're you? Guy? Gal?" The glow from the man's cigar went away causing him to groan.

Fracture In Time; Dawn [OUTDATED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora