Fracture in Time IV - Biricanis

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//Language, and gore.

Chapter 4
Location: Waters-Morrin Estate
Date: 6652 WE, 1 Day since beginning of story.

Zachary arrived home a bit earlier than usual, the sun still setting to the west as they pulled into the estate's front. He walked to the door, a bit of energy in his stride.

"Zoie!" He shouted, trying to get her attention as he took his shoes off. Zoie emerged from her room, her hair a mess and still in the clothes she fell asleep in the night prior.

"You're home early." She said, looking out the window and still seeing the sky a golden hue.

"Finished closing fast, saw Cincelly and her son this morning." He said.

"Oh, how'd his screening go?" She said, clearly more intrigued in what her father now had to say.

"Yeah." Zachary said, "Apparently he doesn't have any magic."

"None?" Her voice echoed around the hall a little louder than she had hoped.

"He has his Defined Magic though." Zachary said, "That's the part that confuses and worries me."

Zoie froze, staring at him with a gaze of shock and fear. "He's... younger than me!" She shouted.

"I don't know, but he definitely went through something." Zachary said, staring into nothingness, lost in thought.

Zoie pondered for a moment, "I'm gonna go to the library." She said, "If you need me I'll be there." Zachary nodded and she went down the hall, past her room and took a right, coming to the Library door, she pushed it open and was greeted by the smell of books, the room stretched far higher than the roof of the hallway she was in, and balcony loomed ahead, casting a shadow on her in the candlelight. Would it be in D or M...

She scanned the shelves of the M's first, finding what she was looking for, a comprehensive history and in-depths guide on Magics. She grabbed the book and slouched on one of the chairs on the side of the room, flipping through the pages, looking for a key word, 'Defined Magic', flipping through pages of the Prism technique, Every magic to ever exist, and to go extinct, different metals and gems that blocked and conducted magic, finally arriving at what she was looking for.

Defined magic -

Defined magics lie dormant in everyone, Every living Human has the potential to awaken their Defined magic. Either under extreme stress or extreme training, one can awaken their Defined magic, being able to call upon it whenever they see fit. Some Defined magics are inherited by blood, Those with this type of Defined Magic are called tribes. The other, more common type of Defined Magic, is ones that are not set from birth, this type of Defined Magic morphs itself to the user's soul when it is awakened, relating to any desire or need they have in the moment of its awakening


Native to Alzemonia...

Zoie shut the book, refreshed on whatever she needed to know, though noted the age of the book considering Alzemonia was no longer a single country. She placed the book back, proceeding to leave the library, but stopped her pace before the door completely shut. Zoie stood for a moment, and then opened the door and turned back, heading to L section, scanning the books, and plucking the book she desired from the shelf. She plopped back down on the seat and read the book, titled plain and simple, 'Lightning Magic'.

Location: Saken

The carriage had finally arrived back in Saken around dusk, the sky was becoming a deeper and deeper blue every minute. The town was quiet, with few people walking around, a stark contrast to the lively nature it had during the day.

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