Fracture in Time XXII - Memories II

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 Tyron closed his book down and reluctantly got up to answer a knock at the door. It was too early for it to be Cayden, and Zoie only visited when she was gonna bring him to Cayden's anyway.

"Rhachel I will f-" He opened it to not see the annoying doll, but rather, Cincelly.

"Get your stuff." She said,

"...What?" He looked up at her with confusion.

"We're heading to the capital." Mark told me he wanted to bring you on your birthday.

"Didn't think we were still goin'." He turned back to his room and put on his eyepatch. "With his whole thing goin' on."

"Apparently it's important enough that he asked me to bring you." Cincelly said. Tyron looked around just to make sure there was nothing he needed.

"No problem in you leavin' for a whole day?" Tyron asked.

"The capital isn't far from here, we won't even be gone the whole

day. Plus, it's the weekend, the only classes running are electives." She said, following him down the stairs after he locked his door.

"You got a clue what this is about?" Tyron asked, "Other than it bein' my birthday'n all."

"I know where we're going." She replied, waving to a few of the students who looked at them with speculation. One of which, being Rhachel.

Hell is he doing with Professor Shay...

Due to them never fixing it, the carriage they took to the capital hit the uneven stone ledge, causing it to jolt upwards.

"Damn I couldn't even sleep." Tyron sat up from his seat.

"Told you it was closer." Cincelly said. The carriage pulled into

the stables and the passengers exited onto the streets. "Now then." She pulled a slip of paper Marcus had given her with an address. "Who would know- Alright guess we're going there." She flicked her hand to tell Tyron to follow her up the road. They walked for a decent bit, basking in the warm sun for a moment before arriving to a wooden building with a sign that read 'Waters Tavern'

"Welcome to the... Waters Tavern!" Zachary said as they entered, they took a seat on the bar stools and looked around. The place was pretty busy, people were all over, sitting, eating, talking. "What can I get you?"

"Coffee." Cincelly said, "And directions."

"I can get you the coffee. Directions I'll just give." He turned around and grabbed the pitcher full of the same coffee she had gotten previously. He poured it, put the same things in, and slid it to her. Before she could ask for the directions, he put up a finger to tell her to wait, and then knelt down to get something out of the oven. "Zoie, come bring this out." He called behind him through the shelves.

"I know I came here but please, I just got on break." A muffled voice came back

"I can't leave the counter right now." He said, then turned to

Cincelly. "So, where're you going?"

"Got it right here." She slid the paper over to Zachary, he took it and looked at it with curiosity, then nodded.

"Mhm." He mumbled, Zoie came out and saw the two sitting at

the front.

"Happy birthday." She said, Tyron nodded, and then she grabbed the plate and hastefully brought it to a table before returning.

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