3.9 The Man Behind The Mask

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'It's just anatomy, you're only half of me, Still, you don't know me at all'
- anatomy, Mackenzie Ziegler

James groans as Theo drags his claws along his ribs, Theo chuckles with a smirk as he watches the boy squirm. "Fuck you Raeken."

"Give me answers Morgan!" Theo demands as he kicks James in the exact spot he cut him. "I'll stop once you tell the truth!"

"I don't know anything" James pleads as he adjusts himself so he is leaning against the wall, groaning. "I don't know anything about the fucking Beast. I don't know who it is nor do I know what the doctors plan to do. You were their goon for years while I was the one they tortured, you should know!"

"Stop lying!" Theo yells. "I know you know something."

"Listen to my heart" James begs. "I'm telling the truth. I don't know anything!"

"You're bullshitting! You know how to control your heart rate. You were their bitch for years, you have to know something!"

"I don't know anything! For the whole time I was being experimented on I was barely conscious. I try not to remember that part of my life. If anyone was their bitch it was you Theo!"

"The Beast" Theo begins as he couches down in front of James. "I know who he is. I just don't know who he is."

"Theo you're not making sense. Id the mercury getting to your head?"

"I've seen his face."

"And you think I know who it is?"


"Well I can't read your god damn mind, get me a picture or something and I'll tell you if I know him."

"He was older, I'd say mid twenties / early thirties. Brunette. Pale."

"I need a picture to look at."

"Don't be a dick Morgan, think about it. I know you know."

"Sebastien Valet" James admits with a sigh. "The real Beast."

Atlas quickly moves away from the group and heads to his car. What he didn't realise was Hayden and Liam had now started following him, also leaving the group behind. "Where are you going?"

"Where do you think I'm going?" Atlas scoffs in response as he continues to walk towards his car, not bothering to look at the duo. "I'm going to find Anna, I'm not leaving her. It's my fault that she has got taken, it's my responsibility to find her. Then I find James. At the same time, you guys try to figure out where Mason is and how to save him."

"Do you have any clue where either of them may be?" Liam questions. "Atlas?"

Atlas sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "I'm going to check her house. Well her old house."

"Are you crazy?" Liam yells as he moves to stand in front of the boy, stopping him from walking. "That's straight up walking into a trap. You are planning to walk straight into hunters territory! You may as well poison yourself with wolfsbane before going to get her."

Wicked style, Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now