3.7 Game Of Frequency

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'Doing it all for love'
- All For Us, Labrinth and Zendaya

Atlas didn't understand what Liam was talking about. Liam was explaining some bullshit and Atlas didn't understand a word of it.

It was something that coach told him at lacrosse practice this morning, something that didn't make sense at all. "So what?"

"Atlas did you not listen to a word I just said?" Liam questions as he stares back at the boy. "We all have to do a drug test before the game. You're going to fail."

"Thanks for your faith in me Liam" Atlas scoffs with an eye roll. "I'll pass don't worry."


"Li don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

"You could get arrested!"

"They can't arrest me, they have proof that I've taken something, they don't have proof that I have shit on me."

"You're impossible!"

A large grin spreads across Atlas' face as he leans against his headboard. "I like you when you're annoyed."

"It's probably because I'm always annoyed at you." Liam rolls his eyes as he moves to sit next to Atlas, leaning against the headboard also.

Atlas turns to his boyfriend and climbs onto him so he is lying on his chest, Atlas grins before he begins to kiss Liam passionately, which Liam returns.

Atlas pulls away, taking in Liams current state: heavy breaths, a glassy look in his eyes. "I also really like you when you're flustered."

Liams gaze sharpens, "I'm not flustered, I just want you all over me." Liams smirks before pulling Atlas closer to him.

Liam flips to pair of them, so he is laying on Atlas' chest. The pair pull away from the kiss and stare at each other for a long moment before pulling off their tops.

Liam moves and begins to kiss along Atlas' neck and jaw. Atlas runs his hands through Liams hair as Liam begins to kiss over his chest.

Liam comes to a stop when he reaches Atlas' v-line. Atlas stares back at the boy with glassy eyes, nodding. Liam undoes the zipper of Atlas' jeans, Liam presses his hand over Atlas' erection through his underwear. Atlas groans as he leans into the bed.

Liam then pulls down Atlas' boxers and puts his hand around his cock. Atlas leans deeper into the bed as he groans while staring at Liam.

Liam moves so he is face to face with Atlas, not taking his hand off his dick. "Are you gonna be honest with me?"

"Liam" Atlas moans as he stares back at his boyfriend. "We really have to work on your timing of this."

"Atlas" Liam growls as he stares at the boy. "Be honest with me. What did the sirens do to you that made you go on a killing spree?"

"What do sirens do Liam?" Atlas scoffs, rolling his eyes. "They seduce you. That's what happened."

"What did Anna mean when she said you were like a vampire?"

Wicked style, Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now