1.1 Truth Betold

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'But I missed you more than I thought I would'
- I found, Amber Run

Everything has changed dramatically for Atlas within the last 96 hours, for one he was on the other side of the world. Right now he's about to knock on his giagiá's door, who he hasn't seen or spoke to since he was 8.

Some maybe you want to know how he ended up here, so let's start from the beginning.

4 days earlier

Atlas hated school. He didn't get why teenagers are forced to attend school, it's like the government has a death wishes for every single teenager in England.

He got that he was only in year 10 and still has another year and a half left, but honestly, he was so done with everything. Everyone kept on saying that it'll just get worse next year because of exam stress but he highly doubted that it could get worse than now.

Nothing could be worse than the stress of walking home knowing that the school called your mother earlier today because you started a fight with another boy in your year. That's the type of stress that Atlas was currently feeling.

Sure, Atlas healed because of his healing abilities but the other guy? Well he doesn't look so good, Atlas guessed we could blame that on his werewolf strength.

His parents won't care that he got in a fight, they're probably proud. What they're worried about is that he might've given himself away because of his healing and anger.

Ever since Atlas' first fight in school, he has had pretty bad anger issues and this causes his parents to worry. A lot. He believed that fight was what triggered his werewolfness, so ever since that fight he has tried his best to keep out of fights. That doesn't really work, because Atlas Jackson has a big mouth.

So now he was not panicking that he's going to get shouted at because of fighting, Atlas was panicking that he's going to get shouted at for not being more careful with the secret.

He thought it's not his fault he had a fight today, the guy was dick, he kept on making snarky comments at Atlas and he had just had enough. However that's not a good enough reason as he was told by his head of year, who Atlas was pretty sure laughed about it with the other staff in the room when he was sent to isolation.

So now for the next fortnight Atlas is stuck in isolation for the full school day. Just how he wanted to spend his time in school right after Christmas.

Atlas reaches his house and takes a deep breath before he pushes open the door. "Atlas, run!" His mother's voice screamed from somewhere in the house.

Atlas didn't get a real chance to register her words before a big muscular guy came in front of him, Atlas turned to run from him but he pushed him onto the floor before he could get too far away.

Atlas shifted and began to fight the guy. He didn't give up though. He used his claws to cut open his chest but the guy didn't seem fazed, Atlas guessed it was not his first rodeo with a werewolf. Well a teenage werewolf.

3 days earlier


Atlas didn't remember much but all he knew is that he was trapped. If he was being honest, he was scared shitless.

Wicked style, Liam Dunbar Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat