2.1 Whose Back?

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'You look into my eyes, You can't recognize my face'
- House of Balloons, The Weeknd

"What is that?" I question as I turn to Stiles with a confused expression and my eyebrows furrow, "senior scribe?"

"It's a senior tradition" Stiles explains as he turns to me quickly before looking back at the road. "Always takes place the night before the start of senior year at midnight."

"That sounds" I hesitate as I look out of the window, "pretty boring."

Stiles scoffs with an eye roll. "You'll understand when you're a senior."

"Okay Mr memorabilia" I chuckle.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Stiles asks as he glances at me as he turns the corner just before we get to my house. "Me and Scott have to help Liam, so you're more than welcome to join."

"I'm fine Stiles" I respond with a sigh. "I don't need help with it. I can control myself now."

Stiles stops the jeep as we pull up outside my place, "fine Smartass, but call me if you do need help."

"Thanks for the offer but I won't be needing it" I smile as I turn to grab the door handle to let myself out. "Thanks for the ride Stiles."

"Before you go" Stiles begins as he locks the jeep, trapping me inside with him. "Tomorrow night, don't go out drinking. Stay in. It'll be easier for you to control yourself that way."

"Yeah sure" I grumble as I roll my eyes. "I don't need you to mom me, Stiles. Now, can you let me out please?"

"Just because you said please" Stiles smiles as he unlocks the jeep, I push open the passenger door and tumble out. I close the door just before Stiles drives off and toots his horn just as he turns the corner.

I stare at the photo of me and Giagiá on the shelf with tears forming in my eyes. The sound of the house-phone ringing pulls me out of my daydreaming, "hey?"

"Jackson, Jordan is hosting a party tonight" Will Summers practically yells from the other end of the phone. "It's like a start of the school year party."

I look out of the window and see the sun setting and the full moon, that can be faintly seen rising in the distance. "I'm sorry but I don't think I'm going to be able to make it tonight."

"What do you mean?" Will asks, disappointment laced in his tone. "What are you doing tonight that is so important?"

I don't answer, "I'm having some me time before school starts again."

"Oh come on Jackson. Don't be a fool. I'm picking you up in ten, don't be late."

"No, no" I rush but Will ends the call before I get a chance to say anything else. "Great."

I sigh as I fall back onto the sofa, I'm suddenly trapped in a trance as I fall back.

The rain pours heavily, I watch as Scott, fully wolfed out, jumps at another fanged creature with electric blue claws.

The other guy strikes Scott down, throwing him across the alley. The alley right by school. Kira urgently pulls out her sword and runs at the other guy.

I quickly open my eyes and stand. That must be tonight, at the senior scribe. I have to at least warn them. I haven't spoke to them really since Giagiá died, would they find it weird that I'm warning them about it? This may be a completely idiotic idea, but I've gotta do it.

Wicked style, Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now