"Well hello," He says, placing his book down. "I didn't know the ADA would be treating me for naming names"

Mirana just rolls her eyes, choosing not to respond as she pulls out a nail file and begins shaping her nails.

"Seriously?" Tim asks Mirana.


"Can't you at least pretend to be interested in this assignment?" Tim grumbles.

"I'm always interested, just not always impressed," Mirana retorts, still focused on her nails.

"Alright, look," Tim says, addressing Hayes. "We're here to keep you safe. We take this seriously. We need you to follow our instructions to the letter. No funny business."

"Got it, Officer,"


"Hey," Tim beckons Mirana and Nolan over. "D.A.'s office just discovered a credible threat against our guy a cartel hit team. Trying to figure out if the safe house has been compromised"

"Are they sending backup?" Nolan asks.

"That's unclear. Sounded like they're scrambling to assess the situation," Tim says.

"How did they not have safeguards in place?" Mirana asks. "Of course, the Cartel would send a hit team"

"Hey, guys," Hayes says, standing up. "Something going on? You seem stressed"

"Nothing," Tim says.

"If there's a problem, I deserve to know. It's my life that's on the line," Hayes says.

"Sit your ass back down," Tim says.

"Make me," Hayes replies.

Tim moves towards Hayes but he's interrupted as the house starts shaking. Tim's instincts kick in, his arms reaching out to grab Mirana, pulling her tightly against him. The violent shuddering sends chunks of plaster cascading down on them. As the house continues shaking, Tim shields Mirana with his own frame, his hand protectively cupping the back of her head, creating a barrier against the debris.

"Dios mio!" Mirana exclaims as Tim's grasp on her tightens.

When the tremors finally relent, Tim releases his protective hold on Mirana, their eyes meeting as he scans her for any injuries.

"You okay?" Tim asks, wiping a streak of dust off of Mirana's face with his thumb.

"Si, estoy bien," Mirana nods.

"That was a pretty good one," Hayes says.

"I'm gonna check the house, make sure we're still five by five," Tim says, pulling away from Mirana. "Both of you watch him"

"Never been through an earthquake before," Nolan says as they walk into the living room.

"Yeah, they take some getting used to," Hayes says, peeking through the curtains. "Um - are those guys supposed to be here?"

"Get away from there,"

Nolan pushes past Hayes as he peeks through the curtain. Before Mirana can even react, Hayes smashes a lamp over Nolan's head.

Mirana grabs Hayes' wrist and he turns, shoving her to the ground. The woman glares at him before hooking her feet around his before pulling her legs back. Hayes topples to the ground with a crash and Mirana handcuffs him, her knee pressed into his back.

"You alright?" Mirana asks Nolan.

Hurried footsteps sound on the stairs as Tim comes running down them to see Hayes being handcuffed by Mirana as Nolan rubs the back of his head.

FINE LINE - T. BRADFORDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon