39. Shivangi

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"Where do you think you are running to ?"

"To home , you have any problems " I state and get inside the car .

"Don't run too much babe , you'll only get yourself tired in vain . There is no escape at all"

There is Reyansh and I'm going to take it today.

"Thanks for the information now let me leave before you disrespect my dad once again"

"I didn't mean to"

"Ohh You absolutely did and you know it "

"And You know what" he opens the door and grabs my wrist yanking me out of the car . "You really need to get this shit inside your head . YOU CAN'T RUN and don't try to"

"Leave me reyansh"

"Never" He pulls me towards his chest . I place both my palms on his chest to keep him at a safe distance .

"Someone will see --"

"So what" he pushes my back to the car "everybody knows you are mine "

"I am not"

"Really" his lips stop at a distance of half an inch from mine and my body screams with the need of a kiss "so you'll see what I'm capable of . This is your last day of freedom Shivangi Barot . Have fun and enjoy till you can because after this I will be having all the fun"

My throat goes dry "w-what d-do you m-mean "

"You'll get to see kitten and you'll feel it too but unfortunately you won't be able to do anything.  You won't be able to resist" he leaves me but my feet freeze on the ground.  What is he going to do?

A smirk comes on his lips as he slightly bends coming face to face with me "I gave you your last twenty four hours of freedom, make sure to utilize them well "

He turns around and leaves while my eyes remain fixed on his back . He removes a gun from his back pocket while moving away from me and I go back home apprehended.

What did he mean ?

"What's with that utterly dejected facial expression "Zahir asks when we sit on the dining table .

I shake my head and dad suddenly questions "I heard what happened at the college .Are you alright happiness ?"

My heart sinks and I nod
He smiles "Don't worry happiness everything is fine . I also heard how reyansh took down the picture and I'm thankful.  I guess he really likes you . Maybe I'm the one coming in betwe--"

"No , dad you're not , don't think like that . I don't like him anyways"

"Good decision "Zahir smiles patting my head.  He really tends to forget everytime that I'm the elder one here. Although he is always in control .

I have a really really bad feeling about the near future.  Something bad is really going to happen and I'm scared but I can't even share it with anyone.

After the dinner I go back to my room but I'm not able to sleep well . As much as I know Reyansh , he doesn't bluff . He was serious when he said he'll cage me but what's on hi mind ?

The next morning,  I have no college and dad is also at home so we all spend time together.
"Why is this so difficult and why do they want to know my hobbies? They wanna marry me ?" Zahir grumbles trying to fill the form for school .

I chuckle "you're stupid"

"We are twins so think before speaking sister"

"What does that mean " dad asks " she is different"

"See" I raise my shoulders and Zahir huffs "different kinda stupid"

"You're just jealous"

We keep bickering untill a buggati veyron drives inside the premises of our manor . My heart stops seeing Reyansh's car . Instantly I check time and it's exactly the time when I had twenty four hours yesterday .

"What's he doing here" Zahir clenches his jaw but dad seems relaxed and his relaxation is scaring me .

A white Range Rover also drives in following his car.  We head outside to check who else has come with him . Reyansh steps out of his car dressed in an orange and yellow stripped shirt with white jeans, white sneakers and prada aviators .

He takes them off making an eye contact with me but Zahir shields me . I look from the right side of his arm and the door to the Range Rover opens. A lady dressed in a maroon round neck rib knit top with a round pendant sitting over it grins towards me .
"Fuck" Zahir instantly strolls towards her .
"Inayat oberoi" I state seeing her pick a white coloured bag from the car . She has worn white pencil skirt with white heels and her nails are painted in maroon. Her hair are tied in a high pony tail . From the other side of the car uncle Zain Oberoi steps out dressed in a suit jacket . The last time I saw them was at the wedding but why are they here now ?

Zahir touches their feet like the most obedient kid of the universe "how have you been " Uncle Zain smiles and Zahir smiles back obediently "I'm very good uncle and I miss Aunt Inayat's food"

"Then I'll surely cook for you today" she spreads her arms and Zahir hugs her . I look at dad who is also smiling happily "was uncle oberoi on the call ?"

"Yes he was "mom nods "the couple who adopted Zahir is Zain and Inayat"

"Ohh" I head towards them ignoring Reyansh's gaze following me .

"Hello aunt Inayat "I smile and she cups my face " I wish I knew you and Zahir were connected. I swear I'd have never let you stay there. You just had to tell me once ."

"But Now everything is fine" Zahir adds and I nod .

"Yes thank God." They walk forward while reyansh talks something to uncle Zain.  To that he nods . When we are inside the hall uncle Zain states "I need to have to word with you anish "

Dad nods getting up . "What is it about"

"I'll tell you but firstly let me remind you. Since you owe me , you said whenever I ask for anything, you'll give it to me"

"Yes I remember " Dad says while I grab Zahir's sleeve . For some reason my heart sinks to my stomach as I see Reyansh's master-stroke coming .

"You've done so much for me and Zahir . Ofcourse I owe you so much my brother . You just need to say it" Dad utters walking towards a room . Uncle Zain follows him but turns around near the door " Reyansh come with me"
My heart becomes a drum and I begin to tremble .
Reyansh nods following him and gives a stupid wink to me before entering inside but all I hear is

Check and Mate .


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