12. Shivangi

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The next morning when I open my eyes , I see a very beautiful view through my window . The campus is so green and with morning sunlight it seems so refreshing . I hear some noises from the corridor outside . Maybe because the students are now awake . I take a shower and when I open the cupboard,  my Jaw drops to the ground seeing the huge luxurious wardrobe.  With so many pairs of footwear , bags , accessories and designer clothes everything seems like a movie . I prefer getting dressed in the simple clothes I brought and with minimal  makeup and loosely braided hair , I dress myself for first day of college .

I see that on my table lies Reyansh's gun , my key-card ,schedule and a brand new smartphone. It has just two numbers in it . One is of Heer and the other one of Reyansh  .

I hear a knock and her voice "shivu"

I unlock the door and heer hugs me saying " morning sunshine , I'm excited for my first day and yours too obviously" she's so cute and dramatic at the same time .

Outside in the corridor so many girls from rich families gape at us .

"Heer , you don't let any girl except Sia to be friends with you , what's so special with the new girl" someone says making my heart beat so fast with nervousness.

Heer throws an arm around my neck saying "I love her and owe no explanation to any bitch here " my eyes turn wide while she blows air at her sparkling silver nails " Let's go "

I pick my bag and we are soon inside an elevator. From her bag to her heels , she's so classy and savage . I don't know how in the world I turn so lucky with friends in my life . When we step outside on the marbled floor.  I look at the sky and inhale fresh air . For the first time in life,  I am free . I'm really free or at least only one person has control on me .

"Let me show you the campus" she speaks as we walk through the hall . The last corner of this corridor has been decorated with trophies and a wall-size picture of the Mandhana Family . Some pictures on the wall have Reyansh in them  . It shows he has been best in his accedemic career too.

"Or maybe not"she states once we find king standing with a group of boys . My eyes immideatly look for a certain someone who is not here . She directs me towards a hall saying "your class is last in this line. I'll see you after the lecture" and she rushes to her class as if a ghost is following her .

I am then left alone . Passing by various rooms , I look for mine . I'm first time surrounded by all rich kids and it's really making me nervous .

They look at me and then whisper something to each other . Maybe I should have gone for those expensive clothes but that's not me and I don't want any other favours from Mr Raghuvanshi . I just don't .

Stopping in front of a room , I check the schedule I have but suddenly someone snatches it from my hand . I raise my eyes to meet a girl's .

"Are you lost New girl ?" She chuckles and so do some others surrounding her .

"No- I c-can-- " I try to take the paper but she raises her hand up.

"Looks like you can't" she laughs "I heard you're with heer and you know what, she's a bitch with a capital B because she thinks we are all dirt under her Gucci shoe . Ofcourse , she's untouchable because of her brother and boyfriend  but YOU" she clicks her tongue and fear seaps into my skin "your pretty face coated with innocence is making me want to puke and ---"

"So swallow it like you do everynight when you get on your knees ."
My spine jerks straight when I hear footsteps behind me . Turning my head slightly I see Reyansh's face . In the morning too, he looks absolutely gorgeous. His smooth hair are neatly sweapt back while a black t-shirt is pressed against his chest . A golden watch drags my attention to his wrist when he places his hand on the wall beside the girl . By bending his arm , he leans closer, and speaks "whoever is ready to fuck your plastic mouth is just to lazy to jerk off but don't worry, you'll be left alone from now on"


He certainly doesn't care and he doesn't think before humiliating someone to that level.

The girls seem like world just slipped from under their shoes . Their faces loose colours and legs tremble evidently .

That's Reyansh Raghuvanshi'a presence . When mafias run seeing him on the way , what are those girls.

"R-rey- I'm-I "

"Keep that paper" he grabs my wrist "it will help you wipe your tears later"

We walk straight towards a room with glass doors . Inside , the room I only see papers and books.  We stop in front of a table and the lady gets up shocked "Rey"
"Print out" he tells her and she takes his phone with shivering hands .
I keep looking at his face stupidly untill I'm given the new paper. He then takes me to my class . All students go dead silent on seeing him. He picks the notebooks from the first desk and literally throws them at the back "sit"

I follow his order while suddenly the teacher comes inside . He leaves and the class begins.  I finally breathe out and my heartbeat goes back to normal. For the first time in life , I'm going to study in a proper class with a teacher .

I put my full concentration and do not take eyes off the smart board untill my classes are done and heer steps in front of my class .

"I heard a certain bitch tried to bully you . I smacked her face" she grins.

"What ? Why"

"Relax, I just imagined it was Arin's face" she chuckles scrolling through her phone.

When we enter inside the canteen area , my eyes automatically find Reyansh . There are only boys on his table . He signals to Heer with a finger and she grabs my arm "Let's go"

My legs shiver as we make a beeline for his table . She takes a seat on his left while he slides a chair on his right for me .

"This side" he growls and heer rolls her eyes before getting up and sits next to me . That way , I'm between reyansh and Heer .

"Anything else your majesty" she plasters a fake smile on her face while the other guys chuckle. Reyansh's eyes go up from her face and we all turn to hear the sound of a chair shifting.  King slides into the seat next to her while she freezes . There is a certain darkness he brings with him while reyansh brings dominance and power . Reyansh unwraps a candypop and places it between his lips.  What's with his obsession for candies?

"Where's Daksh" King questions while reyansh clicks his tongue placing a hand on my thigh under the table.  I flinch and freeze instantly.

"Wherever the daughter of Raichand is" he utters while a guy places a plate in front of him . He slides it in front of me . I tuck a strand of hair  behind my ear while his hand goes back and forth , back and forth on my thigh before he fists the fabric of my dress .


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