18. Shivangi

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My eyelids feel heavy and I see a blurry image of a child with green eyes .
When I look behind me , there's an empty dark room . Suddenly the baby vanishes bringing into life , my past world . Where I stayed with so many girls who were to be sold and traded .

"This shit is important and and you need to be extra careful with this girl . We can't kill her but her identity MUST be erased . She must never know where she came from and how she did . If ever truth regarding her real self is disclosed , it will bring distruction for all of us ." The manly daunting voice faded when a couple stepped inside the room.

"Oh my god she's beautiful " the sweet sounding lady said and I smiled .

"Look at her eyes" she grabbed my chin "hii, shivangi. You hate this place right? Come with us . We'll take you home"

No ! I get up panting. Running a hand through my hair to bring them backwards, I breathe heavily.

My throat feels itchy due to which I get up but something runs over my foot . My spine jerks straight.

I know what's that . Jumping on the bed I turn on the lamp while my heart has become a drum .

A scream leaves my mouth in an instance when my vision fills with a few mice on my floor . How did they come here ? Sweating begins on my face and I hear someone talk outside .

"Shivangi are you okay ?"

"No , please help me"

"Oh" the girl utters "but we can't come in"

Shit ! Grabbing my phone I dial Reyansh's number but stop . I shouldn't call him here at this hour . He might be with family but I need someone. I decide to call heer . She might tell me what to do at least . My hands shiver as I hold the phone close to my ear "hii , what's up" she chirps but I breathe heavily "please help me , there are some mice in my room and I'm gonna get an anxiety attack I'm sure"

"Wait wait , that room has been selected by reyansh himself. It's the best room at the campus. That's not possible"

"It is , I swear"

"My grandpa won't let me out alone at this hour but wait I'll do something"


I squeeze my eyes shut for which feels like years and the door clicks open soon . My spine jerks straight expecting reyansh but Arin tilts his head to the side . Why was I expecting Reyansh when I didn't even call him ?

"You alive?"

"Kind of" I speak and he walks towards my bed "gimme your hands " he stretches his palms in front of me and I palce my hands on his .

"I can't" I state refusing to place a foot on that ground. Three men walk inside the room with some equipments while arin looks into my eyes "it's just three steps and you'll be out"

"Those three steps are difficult" my voice comes out broken.

"They aren't if you have enough courage . Come on you have the almighty king by your side"

He places a hand around my upper arms directing me towards the door . It takes everything for me to reach the hall outside . In that very moment the elevator door opens revealing Reyansh .

He struts closer furiously . "Don't fucking touch her" he pushes king with such force that the poor guy goes back a few steps .

"Insecure Raghuvanshi" he grins. Okay not the poor guy .

"Shut.Up" reyansh threatens Infuriated. "Where's the card ? How the fuck did you open the fucking door"

"Relax ,there's some fault with the lock" king speaks showing Reyansh the technical problem .

"And there's a security lapse , and there's a fucker who puts mice in here and there are fuckers who can't bloody keep the CCTvs ON!!" he growls making me flinch .

"Where's the guard" Arin questions the girls who are equally afraid . Each floor has its own security team .

"I'm sorry Sir w-we w----" the guard is stopped from talking when Reyansh's fist slams against his jaw and a few of his teeth go flying around like popcorn . He spits blood before the side of his face kisses the ground. Reyansh grabs the other one with his nape .

"S-sir , s-- ir I'm sorry , she said it was your order "

"Who said" he asks in a dark threatening tone .

His shivering finger goes up pointing to a girl ,I recognize from my class .

Reyansh's fury now gets directed from the poor man to the trembling girl.

"I thought people here feared my name , but I guess" a gun's sound makes my heart go numb and suddenly I hear the man's scream accompanied by a gunshot . Following it the girls scream as well . "Things have changed" Reyansh tilts his head to the side .

I've already seen him do things that a human won't do but still this is the first time I'm seeing him be so cruel.

When he grabs the man whom he punched earlier , I see an upcoming brutal hit which becomes real when he punches him again , this time straight at the nose . His face turns red and bruised . Since I was a kid , I've been habitual of seeing things like this happen but they were nothing compared to his fury .

Reyansh Raghuvanshi is calm untill he knows that he's in control. He is silent and controlling everything from the background but once he sees his control being snatched away, he becomes a monster just to prove that he can be one .

Dragging the man through the corridor with one strong hand's grip on his collar, he makes a trail of blood behind him on the tiled floor . I remember when Heer said , I should stay away from him . I think she was so right but I can't untill I know that I owe him my v-card.

Instantly we hear another kill when the wall turns red behind him .

I see that another guard comes running inside and when he discovers the scene , I expect him to run to inform the authorities but he turns on his heels and locks the door . Guess HE is the only authority here .

"You won't hit a girl" king chuckles . Please Stop laughing maniac 2.0 .

"Who says I was thinking about hitting"

I find myself clueless untill the next few seconds while the girls shiver . My confusion is brought to and end when a box of trimmers is placed on the floor in front of them .

Reyansh leans against the wall in a corner and I literally see about seven girls get bald . I feel so bad because I'm the reason for their misery . Tears stream down my cheeks but I turn into a stone when he strolls towards me and grabs my wrist.

"That's actually funny" king laughs and reyansh adds "now you're gonna write sorry on each other's forheads and kneel before her"

I literally wish to dig a grave for myself and put myself in .
This is cruel .

"Come on smile , well be posting the pictures" he states placing his chin on my head . I thought , I was a free bird with him but maybe I'm done for eternity.

"Creative much" even king's laughter vanishes into thin air .

"Sir Please don't do this " I mumble low while he cages me into his arms saying " with you , I am not taking a risk again" he comes closer to my ear whispering "cause babe I don't jest when it comes to you "


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