Chapter 8 : Hunting

Start from the beginning

Out of the shadows, a figure moved with incredible speed and precision, disarming the would-be executioner and engaging the henchmen in a fierce confrontation.

It was as if an avenging angel had descended into the alleyway, a blur of motion and violence, neutralizing the threat with a proficiency that spoke of extensive training and combat experience.

Ace, slumped against the wall and struggling to stay conscious, could barely comprehend what was happening.

Who had come to his rescue? And why?

As the mysterious figure dispatched the last of Teach's men, he turned to Ace, his identity obscured by the darkness.

"Can you stand?" the rescuer asked, their voice firm and unbothered.

Ace, overwhelmed by pain and surprise, could only nod. The toll of his injuries and the exhaustion from the ordeal overwhelmed him.

His vision blurred, his knees buckled, and before he could utter a word of thanks, darkness claimed him, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Moments later, the distinct sound of rotors cutting through the night heralded the arrival of Whitebeard's helicopter.

The searchlights pierced the darkness, illuminating the scene of the skirmish as the rescue team descended.

Vista and Deuce quickly secured the area, attending first to Ace's motionless form, ensuring his safety and stabilizing his condition for transport.

As the helicopter lifted off, carrying both Ace and his unexpected protector away from the danger zone, the night reclaimed its silence.


In the midst of the controlled chaos at Whitebeard Corporation's medical facility, Marco found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.

The image of Ace, battered and unconscious, served as a stark reminder of the perils that constantly shadowed their existence.

Despite the turmoil, Marco's resolve to safeguard his family, to be their steadfast protector against any looming threats, only intensified.

Whitebeard, the venerable patriarch whose very presence exuded an aura of command and elicited unwavering loyalty, stood by Marco's side. His visage reflected a mixture of apprehension and unwavering determination.

The unexpected arrival of a Grim Sweeper's hunter introduced a new layer of intrigue and complexity into an already tense situation.

However, for Whitebeard, the priority remained clear: Ace's swift and full recovery overshadowed all else.

Breaking the heavy silence that enveloped them, Whitebeard addressed Marco, pulling him back from the depths of his contemplation.

"Once Ace's condition stabilizes, we must delve into the reasons behind the Grim Sweepers' intervention. Their involvement is no mere happenstance," he asserted.

Marco acknowledged with a nod, his mind racing with theories and implications. The Grim Sweepers, known for their shadowy operations and meticulous discretion, acted with purpose.

Their unexpected participation in Ace's rescue suggested underlying connections and unseen threats that were yet to be unveiled.

The hunter, having played a crucial role in ensuring Ace's safety, remained a silent, enigmatic figure. Marco approached him, gratitude mixed with probing curiosity in his tone.

"I owe you thanks for saving Ace," Marco began, seeking answers beneath the surface. "However, I must understand your presence there. Who sent you yoi?"

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