Chapter 6 : Quickly!

Start from the beginning

Ace then sped off into the urban labyrinth, a solitary figure against the sprawling cityscape, venturing into the night on a perilous quest for justice.

In the shadowed heart of New World City, where the neon lights flickered like the last beats of a dying heart, Ace stalked his prey with a predator's focus.

The city, a labyrinth of secrets and sins, was on the brink of witnessing a reckoning.

Marshall D. Teach, known in the underworld as Blackbeard, had sown chaos in the lives of too many, including Ace's own family and the Whitebeard Corporation.

Now, amidst the ruins of a forgotten warehouse district, their paths were set to collide in a storm of vengeance and gunfire.

Ace, with determination etched into his features, was hot on the trail of Blackbeard, navigating the maze of abandoned containers and debris-strewn pathways.

The air was thick with tension, the only sounds the echo of footsteps and the distant hum of the city beyond.

Suddenly, gunfire shattered the silence.

Ace, maneuvering with practiced agility, returned fire, his focus locked on his elusive quarry. Blackbeard, a specter in the dim light, seemed always just out of reach, his laughter taunting Ace through the earbud that connected him to Haruta.

"This is where it ends, Teach!" Ace's voice cut through the chaos, a blade of resolve aimed at the heart of darkness.

"Ends? Oh, my dear Ace, this is merely the beginning! ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! '' Teach's voice taunted from the shadows, a specter mocking the very idea of closure.

"Haruta, I've got him in sight," Ace whispered, breathless with the chase.

But as he rounded a corner, a bullet found its mark.

Pain exploded in his shoulder, sending him stumbling.

The earbud, his lifeline to Haruta, crackled with static before going silent, the connection lost amidst the chaos.

Blackbeard seized the moment, disappearing into the labyrinth of the warehouse.

Ace, wounded but undeterred, pressed on, his resolve steeling him against the pain.

But as he emerged into the open, he realized he was not just the hunter but also the hunted.

Teach's henchmen, relentless and armed, pursued him, their car engine roaring to life as they spotted him on his motorcycle.

The chase spilled onto the streets, a deadly game of cat and mouse under the neon glow of the city.

Ace pushed his motorcycle to its limits, weaving through traffic and alleyways, trying to put distance between him and his pursuers.

But the injury weighed heavily on him, his strength waning with every heartbeat.

Knowing he couldn't outrun them forever, Ace sought refuge, turning down a narrow alley and killing the engine.

He dismounted, dragging himself into the shadows, his breath ragged and uneven.

The sound of the car prowling nearby filled the silence, the henchmen's voices calling out, searching.

Ace, hidden yet vulnerable, clutched his wound, the blood warm against his fingers.

He was alone, injured, and miles away from help, with the night his only companion.

As the henchmen's footsteps drew nearer, Ace prepared for what might come, his resolve hardening.

" Sorry Y/N Nee-chan.."

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