Army and magic

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"Why the fuck are you pulling my leg so hard !!" You shouted at Jin who had been pulling on your leg really hard while you are trying your best to fly with 2 grown ass dude hanging on each of your leg. You learnt how to fly when you were 14 years old but dont do it frequently. So it was your first flight after few years and you are doing it really well.

"I am trying my best to not pull you hard !" He shouted back. Jimin and Jungkook didnt tell you about their plan for running out of the apartment and you flew away with Jin and Namjoon. Your blue magic was flowing out of your hands as your palms faced the ground.

Something hit your back really hard and your balance got messed up. Namjoon's grip on your leg loosened and Jin's hand slipped off , Namjoon jumped on a near by roof and you flipped on the same roof and landed in a stance. Your martial arts training was working which you recieved after that one traumatic experience.

You quickly got up and looked down and saw Jin in Jimin's hand in bridal style. You let out a sigh of relief and looked up again only to see a small army of those men flying standing on their flat jets. "Oh god.." you tied your hairs into a messy bun and pulled up your black cargo pants.

Your eyes were glowing blue and your blue magic was flowing around your fingers. You threw it on one of the men and pulled him off the jet. You aimed at the jet and pulled your hands apart causing the jet to break into two pieces.
They pulled out their guns and you made a protective blue layer infront of you. They started firing but it was of no use as the bullets turned into ashes when they touched the protective layer.

You kept your right hand infront of you to retain the protective layer and pushed your left hand infront and your blue magic was on the men which were on the front and you pulled your hand back causing them to fall off the jet and on the ground. Just then someone started firing upon the army and half of them flew here and there and half of them fell dead on the floor. You pulled your hands down and looked in the direction of the firing.

You saw Taehyung and Jungkook firing on the army from a roof top of a tall building. Taehyung showed you a thumbs up and you nodded with a smile as he passed you a sweet smile as well. You ran and pushed both of your hands towards the floor and your magic hit the floor causing you to fly. You flew in the air mainting a balance and landed on the ground safely. You threw a shot of magic on a man who was trying to help his mates and he fell on the ground groaning in pain.

Jimin was fighting with them as well. He was using taekwondo kicks and had two guns with him. While you were busy breaking their jets and snatching their guns , your eyes landed on jimin's eyes and you noticed that they were glowing red. You blinked a few times and looked at him again but this time they were completely normal. You were about to start your over thinking when someone punched you from back. You turned your upper body back and caught the arm of the man and pulled him to the front making him fall on his back.

And just like that you killed many of the men. You looked around and saw Jin sitting behind a dustbin. You ran to him and kneeled infront of him "Are you okay ?" He looked at you and smiled evily. He grabbed your throat and stood up and pulled you in the air. Your eyes started watering because of the intensity at which he was digging his fingers in your throat. You even felt something coming out of your throat. His eyes went completely black. He wasnt Jin you realized. He came in his real form , he was Ricky. With glowing blue eyes you took hold of his throat with your magic as you pulled your right hand infront of him and squeezed your fist making him lose his breath and his grip losened.

He left your throat and held his own throat in a way to get himself rid of your magic but ofcourse it was useless. You squeezed your fist as hard as you could. He moved his fingers as if he was calling someone and just then a jet came and hit you in the side causing you to fall away from Ricky and losing the grip of your magic. He held his throat and disappeared while coughing.

You groaned in pain holding the side of your tummy. "Ughh.." you rubbed your blue hand on the area but it was of no use as your magic might not work on you. You somehow managed to get up and flew out of the area and to the roof where you saw Taehyung and Jungkook. You landed on the roof and let yourself fall on the floor.

Taehyung came running to you "Are you okay Haze ?" You nodded a 'no' and he carried you bridal style and called Jungkook as well. You were losing consciousness slowly and slowly and you could even feel something wet on your throat. With a little bit of energy you managed to rub your hand on the wetness and pulled it infront of your eyes only to see your hand covered with blood. And then the last thing you remember before losing your consciousness was Taehyung running down the stairs with you in his hands and shouting to Jungkook "Her throat is bleeding Kook !!!" "Hyung fast or else she'll lose a lot of blood" and then dozed off.

Meanwhile Taehyung was running towards the hospital as fast as he could. Just then a car pulled up and the windows rolled down. Jimin shouted from inside "Quick sit inside !" Taehyung sat on the back seat with you still in his arms and Jungkook sat on the front passenger seat.

After admitting you in the hospital they all came out with tensed faces. "I hope she recovers soon." Taehyung said and Jimin replied " You dont have to worry she'll probably heal quicker than a normal human as she is a royal witch after all." Jungkook was about to say something when all 3 of them heard shouting coming from the hospital and glass breaking. They all turned to the floor on which you were taken for the treatment. Their eyes widened when they saw you fighting with Ricky with all of the energy you were left with.

The City Of Fuckers | A PJM FF 🔞Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat