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Jimin tsked uder his breath but made his way to jin anyways. A part of you was glad to hear jin's call for jimin and the second was feeling bad and even you dont know why.

It was an off today for university. You recieved the message early morning so you slept again after shutting off your alarm. You took a deep breath , exhaling the fresh air around you and all of a sudden the air started to get delicious.

You followed the delicious fregnance and stopped right in the open kitchen. You exclaimed in joy when you saw ramen being cooked by jungkook , and was served in a dish. Quickly picking up the chopsticks , you were about to dive in the noodles and righ then jungkook pushed your face away with his palm.

"Get the fuck outta here." You gasped "Thats how you talk to someone who let you stay in their apartment ?" Your conversation was interrupted when jin whispered in your ear "Do you wear lacy panty ?" "No , i dont wear lacy panties. Why ?" "I found one in pocket of jimin's jacket." Jin pulled up a lacy panty infront of you.

"HEY ! GIVE IT BACK !!" You all turned to look at jimin who shouted at the top of his lungs. He entered the kitchen and quickly snatched the panty off of jin's hand. "Hyung you cant just check my stuff whenever you wish too !!"

Jin took up a mother stance , keeping his arms on his hip "oh yeah ? Why ?" "Hyung i am a grown up adult !!" Jin raised a brow and rolling his eyes , he left the kitchen , muttering under his breath "kids these days..."

You and jungkook turned to jimin with suspicious looks "where did you get that from ?" Jungkook asked as you both squeezed your eyes. Jimin looked up at you both with eyebrows raised "and why should i tell you ?" He did the same eye roll and left the kitchen as well.

You two hummed and turned to face each other "i guess it belongs to jenna. What do you say ?" "Who's she ?" "She's his chick or maybe you can say his sex mate ?" "Ohh , i guess i know her." Jungkook knitted his brows , totally confused by your reply. "Would you mind telling me if ask how do you know her ?" "Ahhh, long story short. I interrupted their sex." You smiled sheepishly as he gasped. "Are you kidding me ?" "No i am not" "Hahahhahaha !!..."


"Umm.. yes ! The sound of magic ! This one is. I am gonna watch this one- Hey !" Jimin snatched the remote from your hand and plopped himself on the couch beside you. "Jimin ?! I thought you left !" "So ?" "Give the remote back and get ur ass out of my apartment ! You cotton candy headed dude !!" He gasped facing you. "Because of you i have been regretting dying my hair pink !" "Did i ask ?" "Who's waiting for you to ask ?" "Give me the remote back !"

"Hey everyone !! " you and jimin turned to not so familiar voice. "Wtf ! Why is everyone entering my apartment unknown to meeeee ??!!" You shouted frustrated with your life. "Namjoon hyung ! I asked you to wait for me at my place !" The guy named namjoon sighed keeping his right hand on your chair as a support.

"Well ... you see i am an impatient guy. So being a friend of mine thats what you get." He backed away to have a support from the wall and just then all of you heard shattering of glass. Namjoon shifted to side looking at you both with wide and shocked eyes. You saw your photo frame shattered in pieces all over the floor. "Oops.." he said. "WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED ?!!!" The oldest came running into the scene and gasped loudly seeing the shattered pieces of glass on the floor.

"Namjoon you dumb ass !!!" The shout echoed through out the building. Namjoon pulled his hands in the air "i am sorry hyung." Jin went inside cursing under his breath and came back with a broom and some other stuff too pick up the glass pieces. "You should keep yourself away from these kind of things when you fucking know that your broke ass would break anything !!"
"Well i want to tell you guyz something.." namjoon said rubbing the back of his neck.

"No one wants to hear your fucking stories !!" Jin said. "But hyung i want to tell -"  "Just shut the fuck up !" And then there was another sound of glass breaking but even louder. You all turned to the window and saw some men crawling inside the apartment with swords and guns with them. "Hands in the air everyone !! NOW !!" they pointed the guns at all of you.

"that there are some people crawling on the wall of your building...." namjoon spoke in a low voice but loud enough for all of you to hear. "You could have told earlier !" Jin shouted under his breath but all of you easily heard him. "But hyung i was try-"  "just stfu now !"

"HEY ! TIE THEM UP !!" Your eyes went wide on hearing them. "When i say run , you run. Ok ?" You all nodded on jimin's words. As soon as they came near , jimin shouted " RUN !" All of you ran shouting , here and there and soon it was a mess. Jin was hitting them with his broom and namjoon was running around with 2 - 3 men behind him. Dodging their aims and swords all 4 of you made your way to your room and locked the door. They all started banging on the door and trying to break it.

"You guyz think for yourself cuz i know how to fly somehow." You said in between your breaths. "I wont let you leave unless its all of us." Jin said. You let out a sigh knowing very well that he wont let you leave alone at any cost. "If he would have told us earlier , we would have already left." Jin pointed his broom at namjoon , who backed away a little.

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