Segment 12

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A mournful day it was along with little rainfall.He was busy playing billiards inside the room in the basement.

"Damn! Let me hit once more" He gurgled.

"So you're doing it again without me right?" Murtaza stepped inside the room.

"Well! Maybe we can have a bet,what do you think?"Ghufran chattered.

" I have always been an expert in this play,You can never beat me at this one," He Said.

"Ok then father, we will see" Ghufran passed a smirk.

" You will surely miss all this after joining the flight school,won't you?" Murtaza asked in the middle of the game.

"Of course,i mean,I'll surely,although being a fighter pilot is one of my dream,but it all already feels hard baba"

"Exactly,that's why i made such decision to send you to LA, before first year of aviation school,i also shifted to Australia for a year,my whole friend group used to study there, i enjoyed so much,such well lit days they were" Murtaza sighed.

Ghufran bowed his head and just clacked noises of balls were heard.

"So baba, i never ever asked though,how did you and mama end up together?" Ghufran continued the game.

His feet suddenly felt freezing cold,those sentences asserted by Ghufran made his hands sweaty and swollen.A sudden glimpse of the murders he did again roamed around his head.

"Baba,are you there? I asked something?" He continued.

"Yes,I'm,I'm here,i will tell you someday,i got something to do urgently,i always forget,let me just " Murtaza got tensed and went upstairs.

"Some day? He always says that" Ghufran again got busy playing billiards.

"Guess who's back?back again" Someone muttered from the wide glass aperture of basement.

"You little rascal,come in"

"How do you know it's me?" Sadiq astounded.

"You're the only rascal i know ,hmm?" Ghufran laughed.

"Just shut up," Sadiq said in an offended manner.

"Wanna go grab coffee? Or let's go for a drink?" He stood up.

"Excuse me? Drink ? I think you forgot what happened that night between us, why don't you just stay home for a while,your feet are always in rush" Ghufran began.

"I'm telling you Ghufran,you doubtlessly have been changed recently, you don't find craze in those things you used to, what has happened to you?"

"Sadiq,you know what,honestly, I myself am unaware, fate has taken me to this chaotic chapter of life that i no more desire to live but at the same time,death still haunts me, I don't know what this burnt out heart needs anymore " Ghufran sighed.

"Ghufran,are you okay? You're not maintaining an eye contact,and what problem is distracting you? You have perfect grades,you are smart and fine enough,your family is wealthy enough,Uncle Murtaza loves you wholeheartedly,what do you want? You have everything,you are perfect " Sadiq stood up.

"Really Sadiq? Perfect? No one is perfect,all of us have flaws , that's the actual problem, i have everything but still my hands have nothing!" Ghufran laughed bitterly.

"Some times you seem weird,so chaotic,I really don't understand you"

"Me neither " Ghufran made a mournful laugh.

" Baba has constantly been calling me from past an hour, I'm going now,don't miss the class tomorrow " Sadiq left.

"Baba,your and mine,they won't let us do anything " Ghufran muttered.

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