Segment 10

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What is anger?


" What i have done? I have become the villain of my own story " Murtaza bemoaned.

" I don't want to end this way, is this the end of my story? Getting into murder cases," He encountered blood in his hands of the all murders he did,he had already gone insane.

He ran closer to her body, grabbed the poison and hid it somewhere only he knew.He wiped Daneen's mouth with a handkerchief when a piece of paper fell from her ripped lavender wool sweater,

"I once fell for a furious guy ,who seemed absolutely lunatic.I thought of taking revenge but my inner self forced me not to do anything like that,I thought of forgiveness,so maybe he had done those murders in his craziness, his uncontrollable anger, now Murtaza,he has been silent lately, he desires us to live a happy life again,but I'm not listening to him, I'm insisting for a ruthless revenge,Lord! If he has any little guilt,if he mends towards right path,I will forgive him Allah! I surely will change my plans ,i will rip apart all those stupid contracts,we will live together for Ghufran,once again,Cancer has taught me so much recently that my inner voice desires to change my decision,"
Murtaza held her head on his lap,wiped her last tear with quivering fingers,

" What is this.,, what! What i have done! Murtaza!what have you done," He started sobbing again and again in silence .

Everything could have been alright if Murtaza had sensibility initially but he didn't, because

"Anger calms down and  sensibility comes only after someone does a crime"

"Just because regrets and all repentance only knocks at the door after the crime,if it finds one's door before crime,then there would be
nothing like crime to exist .

Murtaza held her on his lap until he saw Saleem in the back,who already had seen all the drama.He stood still as if his eyes froze ,Saleem was astounded and distressed enough to figure out what Murtaza had done.He was absolutely aware about Murtaza's behaviour, he worked with their family for years, he had high temper,anger issues and was somewhat crazy ,but Saleem never ever thought of any expectations of  this murder from him.

" Sir,what have you done" He cried.

Murtaza didn't come up with any thoughts other than;

"Why you're staring me, she died of cancer,understood? ,she died of cancer " Murtaza went closer to Saleem,pointed his finger on his jaw where his legs were trembling and he did catch a scared glance with Murtaza.All Saleem could see were the weeping swollen and regretful eyes of a man who lost everything,who tried to be pretentious about being strong,but was weaker than an infant.

" You have kids and a wife,you love them whole heartedly, and if they ever die,what will you...,"

" No sir! No ! Don't do this" Saleem distracted his sentence.

"Fair enough,now go and keep an eye on funeral's preparations "

Saleem ran downstairs,he was that much scared that he panicked and  fell down while moving downstairs and broke one of his arm.

Murtaza locked the door,went closer and kissed her forehead;

"I'm sorry for whatever i did and I'm doing, i have been saved from world's punishment,but i will never be saved on the day of judgment, once a man does something bad, he looses his senses to do more bad, you loved me, but i didn't deserve you ,it's better to die then to  spend a whole toxic life with a noxious person like me,i never deserved you,never"

" Daneen,anger makes a person loose everything,I'm that person who has lost everything in craziness and anger"

"I believed murdering your parents was a crime,because i went crazy in your love,but murdering you has now become a punishment for me"

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