Segment 8 part 2

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The day had arrived,in a fetching ball room  with a shining chandelier,peaceful music was played,few people were having their meals at the tables. She wore an irresistible and elegant  dress, her antique jewellery was sparkling, groom sat beside the bride .A  cherry red curtain was in between them for separation, Nikkah ceremony was about to happen,

" Daneen was ready to sign the papers until she felt sudden anxiety,she started sweating, her intuitions were right, she realised it was his foot steps,

People started running away from the hall,a tall man whose face was covered in black scarf appeared;

" No one dare move an inch", The guy had a sniper in his hand. Ahmed Murtaza went closer to them and grabbed Daneen's right hand before pulling her;

" If you dare move an inch,I'll kill her " He pointed the gun at her fore head.

" Have you gone mad Ahmed? What are you doing ?"she looked at his eyes with shivering tone and tears.Daneen recognised him with his eyes.

" Someone call the police " Daneen's father  stood up and screeched .

He did it,someone within the room tried to call the police, a loud shot was heard,that phone caller fell on the floor with blood.
Everyone ran away,except for Daneen's fretful parents,even the family to which they were about to tie the knot vanished because of his fear.

" I told you,i told you several times, but you never got anything in your empty mind"

" Back  then ,i begged and everyone watched,now you'll beg and I'll watch" He growled in loudest tone.

" No!No! I beg, for Lords sake,please Murtaza don't do this" She grabbed him from his toes.

Murtaza didn't pay any attention to her, he headed closer and pointed the sniper towards her fretful father,

" 3 shots were heard, he fell down"

" 2 more shots were heard,her mother fell down"

" No! Murtaza! What have you done !No!" Daneen screeched as if her vocal cords would burst.

" They all caused problems for you,see Daneen, I killed them all " He addressed her with psychotic eyes.

Seemed like Daneen's mouth was sealed, she went towards a deadly silence.She was not in her senses any more, Murtaza grabbed her,but it felt like he dragged an alive corpse. Both of them weren't seen any where , music was still playing, dead body's were at the floor, Police arrived, but it was too late,they were already gone,area was sealed.Murtaza himself had no idea what he had done,no body told them that two days later the incident ; Murtaza's father died due to a severe heart attack.

It all seemed pre planned, the week before the incident, even Daneen didn't get to know that her passport was hidden by Murtaza.

Daneen no more was an alive person,she seemed a dead body. He grabbed their passports and ran away to Texas .All the journey,Daneen had no concerns to ,when ,how and where she was taken,she had no concerns whether it was a kidnapping or she herself obeyed him .She seemed insane,absolutely insane,a dreadful misery occurred to her,Daneen had no way to go,a literal  no way,only once in those agony days,she thought;

" Should i go back to Ukraine? where my parents grave lasts, where someone i was supposed to get married ran away after leaving me alone,or should i stay here in the Texas with someone who killed everyone for me?"

" I have nowhere to go,nowhere,should I deliberately hang up at the scaffold ,or should i take in pills as suicidal attempt ?"

She continuously thought about strange ways to die,her pale dry lips and skin, dull black eye bags showed that she lost everything,Daneen had nothing left. It was mutism to which she spent rest of her life,that trauma didn't let her speak for months,numerous months,she went mute,absolutely mute.How can someone spend life with a psycho like Murtaza,who went to that extent of love that he massacred everything,everyone.Everything was an illusion,nothing seemed real for her anymore.

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