( Character Sketch Of Leads)

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Ghufran Ahmed ( The Ukrainian Fighter Pilot)

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Ghufran Ahmed ( The Ukrainian Fighter Pilot)

Afreen Suleiman ( The Russian Fighter Pilot)

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Afreen Suleiman ( The Russian Fighter Pilot)




It was his first ever interview. He was all done,well suited in his stunning black  trench coat while Chanel shades were pulled down as he tried to fix his collars.Sun shone on his hazel siren eyes .6'2 tall, fine  and  a young guy awaited for his fighter pilot interview. Some glimpses roamed around his head from childhood, 

" Dad,i'll be a great pilot when i grow up,I'll serve my country " young Ghufran muttered.

" Sure son" Ahmed Murtaza  giggled in return. Although he was a retired pilot,aged but he still seemed  dishy and fine. His imperial grey moustache and cross legged  style seemed familiar . He kissed Ghufran Ahmed's fore head before reaching the military academy  ,desiring his son to be as successful as him. A statement Ahmed Murtaza  pushed inside Ghufran's head,

" Dear son,fear only Lord,and ones who fear only Him can do impossible to tolerate everlasting fears"

He was walking beside the fetching lilies garden along the interview room.This one line made up his life,his all decisions. Well ,it was a sunny day in Ukraine, clouds were all set. However,to the other side,weather seemed melancholic in Russia.Wind blew faster as she tried to fix her skirt . There she was,similarly perfectly suited for her first ever fighter pilot interview. Afreen Suleiman, a proud and sophisticated lady,she was heavenly beautiful. Her ocean green eyes,brownish blonde wavy hairs and walking style showed how superior she was.

" Aghh, see it's the crucial day of my life but as usual luck and weather just playing games with me,ruined my fucking hair,this bastard weather" she bemoaned.

" lady , blaming weather won't give you anything "guard  smiled from the gate.

" He wants me to use cuss words for him ,mind your own business ,bloody idiot" she muttered .

No doubt,both took distinctions in every test of theirs,undoubtedly stunning students. And conversation skills, both were experts, who wouldn't accept them? so the task was attained ,they were selected easily.Afreen lost her parents during a war between Russia and Ukrain. One Ukrainian officer assassinated her family,no doubt she came to this extent of revenge,she  decided to join aviation school  to be a fighter pilot as a payback to her father's assassination . she belonged to a small Muslim family living in a vacant apartment in Texas. She was born in Russia,nonetheless after her family's mishap ,she moved to Texas .

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