Segment 8 part 3

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Seventh of June, a whole different day,a different chaotic chapter in their lives. Nothing had resemblance any more with past.She just got back home after winning a case,holding a bouquet and sweets in her hands. She opened the door and found him;

" It has been more months,i left my career for you,I can't take this anymore, Although i hijacked you, but you signed Nikah papers yourself, It was your own choice so we got married ,i want my son to grow up in his motherland , just  like you have a reputation,i think you forgot,I'm a fighter pilot, my whole family belongs there, what about my reputation? I did everything for you,but I can't bare anymore what you are doing "

" He's not even born yet and you have started your leadership, so pitiful" She  uttered and shook her head.

" I still have the same feelings for you,but you're never changing i guess" Murtaza sighed.

" Exactly, i still have no feelings for you,I'm doing all this for my son, I already became an alive corpse to what you did but not anymore,I'll live for my son,I don't want him to survive in a toxic environment and relationship with you in the future , remember the contract, when he will turn 12,I'll take him away to Russia" Daneen passed by him.

" Remember that , this is the provision of the contract,you spared me and didn't let my case to court , officers came here in Texas several times but you didn't file any case of your parents murder on me,just because you'll take our son away," He said .

" Remember that too, provision also meant that you'll go with me  back to Ukraine " He continued addressing her.

" I remember everything in exact ways," She uttered and locked the door.

It was all Daneen's strategy, how could she give birth to a kid even after all those traumas given by Murtaza? She had different plans of revenge.

They were packing up for Ukraine. Daneen grabbed all contract files and so he did. A new segment was getting into their story.In the car,at the airport,during the journey,till the time they reached,all straight thoughts mingled around her head.

" Am i what i have done to me? or am i what he has done to me" She  sighed.

" The contract I have made,will it be beneficial for my son or i have created problems for someone who isn't born yet?" Her mind was messed up with thoughts .

It was a sunny day, fluffy clouds interlaced the blue sky,sun shone on Daneen's hazel eyes. They were back to Ukraine after 4 years. Even if Daneen desired to file a case on Murtaza for his assassinations,she wouldn't do anything, Murtaza's family was strong enough to be bothered by these cases,but  this chapter had already been closed years ago,no one remembered any images of that incident anymore.Murtaza knew about his father's death so purposely he went to another spot with Daneen. When Daneen stepped there after so many hurdles came her way, she visualised;

" Is this the same place where my mother gave birth to me? The  same place where i got my Law degree?where i giggled with Basma for hours?
Life does so many strange things to us,we can't imagine what storm is written for us in the future,what happened to everything  here " She sighed and slowly cried.

" It's the different version of me,landed on the same place,but with a whole different chapter,"

" I don't expect anything good anymore,but at least,let just once my son be born,I'll take him away,far away" She  muttered.

" And about Murtaza,i have left his case to my Allah,"

" Saleem will grab our suitcases,you come inside,don't pick up such heavy bags yourself "

" I know what is good for me" She made a mouth in return to his request.

Every step she took into the house,her heart went heavier,heavier with  glimpses of her  past,she held the stringer and went upstairs while staring his family photos hung in the  grey wall beside staircase.

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