The Flower Shop Part 2

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Scott had finished providing everyone with food and drinks and once he had finished he decided to sit down on the carpeted floor next to Jimmy. He was curious about Jimmy's appearance and he asked him a very odd question, "Hey Jim?" Scott said. "Yes?" Jimmy responded without paying much attention to Scott's odd behaviour. "What happened to your scales?" Scott asked with a puzzled look in his eyes, it seemed as though he was referring to the scales on Jimmy's body. Jimmy put his spoon down and rolled up his sleeve to show Scott some patches of freckles on his body. "Well, I stayed up top for so long my body adapted, and after a while, the scales on my body just kind of disappeared. The freckles on my body used to be scales." Jimmy said, pointing at some patches of freckles on his body. 

Scott's hand was cold compared to Jimmy's who was warm, and when Scott's fingers brushed against Jimmy's arm, he couldn't help but blush slightly

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Scott's hand was cold compared to Jimmy's who was warm, and when Scott's fingers brushed against Jimmy's arm, he couldn't help but blush slightly. It was very noticeable and Scott noticed it for sure, but he didn't react right away, he just kept his cool and proceeded to study the freckles on Jimmy's arm. As his hand gently traced the pattern of shapes on his arm, Jimmy couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as well as a fluttering sensation in his stomach. 

Jimmy struggled to control his thoughts as he felt the guilty feeling creeping in. He knew that he was falling in love again, and it felt wrong to him. He had lost Scott once before and the pain of that loss was still fresh in his mind, he couldn't imagine falling in love again. But here he was, feeling a strange sensation in his heart as he looked at Scott's soft touch tracing the pattern of freckles on his arm. In a way, Jimmy couldn't help but feel like he was a traitor. Jimmy could feel the guilt of falling in love again consume him as he struggled to even speak and he couldn't help but feel so wrong about everything. "Scott..." Jimmy muttered, trying to put up some defence between them both. He could see the same caring and kind eyes looking back at him, and suddenly he felt so overwhelmed that he couldn't find the words to speak anymore. "Please stop," He finally managed to say, clearly struggling to stop his feelings for Scott from developing so quickly.

Just as Scott's was about to say something to Jimmy, Pix spoke up, and everyone suddenly got pulled into a completely different conversation. "Guys... Why is there snow outside? It's spring!" Pix said in a confused and concerned tone. Everyone rushed to the window and looked outside and their eyes immediately widened in surprise. It was snowing outside when it should be spring! When they all looked outside and saw the strange snow, they could all feel their minds swirling with questions. It wasn't normal, this shouldn't be happening, they all thought to themselves. There was something very strange happening, something very unnatural, and they all felt a sense of unease in their hearts. Sausage was the first one to realise the implications of this strange snow. When his eyes widened with excitement, he immediately rushed to the coat rack and picked up his coat. "Guys! Come on! It's snowing! Let's go!" As he said that he started running down the stairs and quickly everyone after realising what Sausage meant, they all ran after him. 

Scott was the last person to get outside and when he reached the door he saw a truly magnificent sight. Everyone was having a snow fight! It's rare to see snow during springtime and everyone was enjoying it, like they were kids again. They were laughing and smiling and having so much fun, and it touched Scott's heart to see this. 

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