Chapter 23

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While Liam was dealing the harsh dose of reality his own stepfather had just laid on him, Steffy was back at Forrester Creations helping Hope with something big.

After Hope for The Future had had a successful launch at Kohl's stores across the country & its own fashion show during London Fashion Week, Hope had decided to collaborate with Zende on a spinoff line called Hope Margaret, which was geared towards the current generation.

With the full support of the company behind them, Hope & Zende worked hard to get the new line ready to go for its debut show at New York Fashion Week.

However, despite giving the new line her full support, Steffy felt distracted, & Sheila Carter was the reason why.

After the beach incident involving Kelly, Steffy felt very on guard. She found herself looking over her shoulder no matter where she was whether it was a public event with Finn or an outing with the kids.

Steffy never knew when Sheila would show up, & it was freaking her out, which caused Finn to notice so he decided to do something about it.

While at his office at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center looking over a patient's records, Finn decided to do something romantic to ease Steffy's fears so he called the one person he felt could help him pull off his plan.

He called Eric.

"Hello, Finn. How are you today?" Asked Eric from his office at the Forrester mansion, where he had been quietly working since he had been released from the hospital.

"I'm doing good, Eric. It's Steffy I'm worried about," said Finn with a frown.

"What's wrong with her, Finn?" Asked Eric with worry in his voice.

Finn explained everything to Eric with the topics ranging from the issues with Liam to Steffy worrying about Sheila.

"Maybe a romantic getaway might be the thing to help ease Steffy's mind. Where do you intend to go?" Asked Eric.

"How about the Forrester cabin in Big Bear? I mean, if it's all right with you," said Finn.

Eric found himself smiling. He couldn't have thought of a better place himself.

"I am more than fine with that, Finn. Why don't you stop by here later today to pick up one of the keys I have to the cabin," said Eric.

Finn thanked him, & after a few more minutes of good conversation, he hung up & then called Jack & Martha to see if they were OK with watching Kelly & Hayes while he & Steffy were gone for the weekend. They had no problem with watching the children.

Once everything got rolling, Finn looked at the picture of him & Steffy & just smiled.

This cabin getaway was going to be great.

However, someone else had other plans involving the Finnegans.

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