Chapter 8

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With word getting out in the media about Hope's decision to end her marriage to Liam, Forrester Creations was in full PR mode, doing everything they could to keep the media's interest off the divorce & on the upcoming ad campaign for Hope for The Future.

Steffy, who was Forrester Creations' Chief Brand Officer, was doing her part to keep everything on track.

However, things were about to get difficult.

First, Steffy addressed as many questions as she could at a press conference promoting Forrester Creations' 2 upcoming spring fashion shows, one in Los Angeles & one in New York, but when one reporter tried to question her on Hope & Liam's inpending divorce, Steffy refused to answer.

"I'm sorry, but I have no comment on that," said Steffy.

However, the reporter, Diane Palmer, wasn't done with her line of questioning.

"Based on your past history with Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Finnegan, are you surprised by his divorce from his wife?" asked Miss Palmer.

"Again, I have no comment on that regardless of my history with Liam Spencer," said Steffy who was now really starting to tense up.

Diane Palmer, however, still wasn't done.

"You & Mr. Spencer do share a child together. Am I correct?" she asked.

"Again, no comment," said Steffy.

Now she had really had enough. She just couldn't take it anymore.

"I do apologize, everyone, but this press conference is over," said Steffy who then walked away.

The reporters were all left confused. Some even looked at Diane Palmer in disgust.

As soon as she was in her office, Steffy locked herself in her bathroom, which was soundproof, & screamed.

She understood that the press could be insensitive & intrusive at times, but for that reporter to keep pushing the issue upset Steffy a lot.

She had made her feelings known about the divorce only to Hope as well as Finn. No one else knew about it.

Once she felt that she had her anger under control, Steffy came out of her bathroom & sat down at her desk. She could feel the tension begin to go away.

Then she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," she said thinking that her father Ridge would be coming in.

Instead it was Brooke.

Despite their differences & past issues, Steffy's relationship with her stepmother was actually improving each day so she was glad to see Brooke.

"I watched the press conference in your father's office. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, honey," said Brooke with a reassuring smile.

"It's all right, Brooke. I'm just surprised that I didn't cave into the urge to attack her," said Steffy with a chuckle.

"Well, I wouldn't have blamed you if you had," said a chuckling Brooke.

Then something else came to Steffy's mind.

"What do you think of Daniel Romalotti?" Asked Steffy.

"The new artistic director? I've talked to him a few times along with your father, & he seems like a very nice guy & wants to succeed here," said Brooke.

"Have you noticed that he & Hope have been hanging out a lot lately? I know that I have," said Steffy. Brooke just nodded.

"With her having just filed for divorce from Liam, I did tell her that to take time for herself, which I know is pretty silly coming from me," said Brooke.

"You do mean well, Brooke, & I do give you a ton of credit for that," said Steffy with a smile.

"Thanks, sweetie. That means a lot to me," said Brooke who then gave her a hug.

After a few more minutes of chatting, Brooke left because Eric wanted to talk to her about something.

Steffy finished up with work a couple of hours later & went home where Finn was there cooking dinner because he had gotten off early from the hospital.

"Are you cooking Italian, honey?" Asked Steffy as she wrapped her arms around his waist as he stirred the tomato sauce.

"I am, babe. Baked ziti & garlic bread just like my mom used to make," said a smiling Finn.

"Sounds delicious. I'll get the kids ready," she said. She gave Finn a kiss & went to get Kelly & Hayes.

While the sweet family moment was taking place, someone was watching from a distance.

That person was Sheila Carter.

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