Chapter 19

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Author's Note: I'm going to address Eric's illness in this because I don't like how it's being done on the show. Other characters will be included in this as well.
As the weeks went by, things seem to go without a hitch at Forrester Creations, but for Steffy, there was always the fear that something bad was about to happen right around the corner.

On this day, something bad did happen.

Steffy was at home enjoying her day off with just Finn when her phone rang.

She rolled her eyes when she saw who was calling her.

"Oh god why?" She muttered as she debated with herself over whether to answer.

"Who is it, babe?" Asked Finn who seated next to her on the couch in their living room.

"My dad. He usually doesn't call unless it was important, & he knows how much I was looking forward to this day off," she said.

"I understand, but if this is important, you should definitely answer it," said Finn.

Steffy knew he was right so she answered her phone.

"Hello, Dad?......what's going on?......oh my God, when?.....all right we'll be there. We just need to call Finn's parents first......see you there, Dad. Bye," said Steffy who then hung up.

She then turned & looked at Finn with tears in her eyes.

"Granddad collapsed at work today. He's at UCLA Medical Center. Dad wants us there quickly," said a shaking Steffy.

"OK, let me get a hold of Mom & Dad so that they know what's going on," said Finn who then grabbed his own phone & called Jack & Martha, who had Kelly & Hayes with them for the weekend.

Once that call was done, Finn & Steffy were on their way to UCLA Medical Center.

However, unbeknownst to them, Sheila Carter was following them.

Even though she & Eric Forrester had divorced many years ago, Sheila still cared about him & never wanted anything bad to happen to him.

However, hearing about his collapse on social media had caused her to go into a panic.

She was in so much of a panic that she didn't care if she was following Finn & Steffy to the hospital. She just wanted to be there regardless of the consequences.

Meanwhile, FInn & Steffy made their way to UCLA Medical Center without incident.

Once there, the couple were greeted by Ridge, Brooke, Thorne, Bridget, Zende, & others.

Steffy went straight to her father & hugged him.

"Did you tell Mom?" Asked Steffy. Ridge nodded.

"Your father called her as soon as possible, sweetie," said Brooke gently.

Steffy smiled at her stepmother, thankful that she was there.

Meanwhile, Finn's friend, Dr. Martin Rook, came up to Ridge with a serious look on his face. The other members of the Forrester family gathered around.

"How is he, Martin?" Asked Finn.

Dr. Rook looked at Finn & then at the rest of the Forrester family that were there except for Zende's parents, Kristen & Tony Dominguez, who couldn't make it to LA because of Tony dealing with some health issues, & Felicia Forrester, who was living in London & couldn't travel due to her testing positive for Covid.

"He's stable," said Dr. Rook causing Ridge to mutter, "That's good" just as Taylor showed up.

"Will my grandfather be OK?" Asked Zende.

"I can't be sure right now because we need to start running some tests to determine what the cause of this is," said Dr. Rook.

"When do you plan on doing that?" Asked Bridget.

"Tomorrow morning. As long as he remains in stable condition, that's all that matters right now," said Dr. Rook.

"When can any of us see my father? Is right now OK?" Asked Ridge.

"I have no problem with that, but I would highly recommend at least two people in his room at a time," said Dr. Rook.

Ridge then turned to Finn & Steffy.

"Do you two want to go in first?" He asked. Steffy found herself looking over at everyone else.

"Is that OK with all of you?" Asked Steffy. Bridget gave her a reassuring smile.

"That's fine with me, sweetheart. You two go on in," said Bridget. Rick & the others all nodded at them.

With that, Finn & Steffy went into Eric's room.

Unbeknownst to them, however, Sheila Carter was watching, & she wasn't the only one.

Liam was there too.

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