Chapter 15

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Finn, with Brandon in the backseat, got to Cedar Sinai Medical Center as quickly as possible. He grabbed Kelly, who was being held by his brother, & took her to a colleague & friend of his, Dr. Lindsey Omos.

"Linds, I need you to examine my stepdaughter now while I call Steffy," said a panicking Finn.

"I'm on it, Finn. You can count on me," said Dr. Omos who then took Kelly from Brandon & got her in an exam room.

Finn quickly called Steffy & told her what happened. 15 minutes after the phone call, Steffy was there at the hospital & in her husband's arms.

"Why is this happening, Finn?" Asked a terrified Steffy.

Finn gave her a serious look. He had a theory he wanted to tell her.

"I think she wants to make up for what happened to my mother & get to know me," said Finn. Brandon shook his head.

"Well, she clearly hasn't gotten the hint that you have no interest in getting to know her, bro," said Brandon.

"Why would I want to know a woman who has hurt so many people, Bran?" Said a slightly paranoid Finn. "Look at Dad. Look at Steffy's grandfather Eric. Hell, look at Lauren. Sheila will hurt anybody & won't give a damn as along as it benefits her. Dad knows that better than anyone."

"Dude, I understand why you're getting hyped up right now," said Brandon. "Sheila tried to hurt Kelly to get to you. Here's a big question though. How did psycho bitch know that you were going to be there with her?"

That question got Finn & Steffy thinking there for a moment. Then Brandon's phone went off.

"Excuse me, guys" he said as he went over to an area to sit down & take the phone call.

Finn noticed his brother's face get very serious as he listened to what was being told to him.

Then Brandon walked back to his brother & sister-in-law.

"What was that about, Bran?" Asked Steffy.

Brandon sighed before answering.

"I think I know how Sheila found out about my brother's little beach trip with Kelly, Stef," said Brandon.

That's when it hit both Finn & Steffy.

"You mean...." Finn started, & then a stunned Steffy said, "Liam."

"Yeah, Stef," said a solemn Brandon. "One of my buddies who works for Spencer Publications overheard your ex complaining to his father about Finn interfering in his relationship with Kelly. My guess is Sheila overheard the conversation & made her way to the beach to get Finn's attention."

Finn could feel the anger going through him as he took in what his brother had told him.

"That fucking little puke," Finn grumbled. Steffy nodded in agreement.

"I think I need to talk to Liam. Set some strict boundaries when it comes to Kelly," said Steffy.

"Don't you guys have a custody agreement?" Asked Brandon.

"Not a set one. Liam can visit Kelly anytime he wants. It's the same with his & Hope's daughter Beth," said Steffy remembering what Hope had told her about the custody arrangement between her & Liam.

"Well, as a lawyer, I think you do need to have a set custody arrangement. If you don't, Liam will try & exploit the situation to his advantage," said Brandon.

"I completely get that, Bran. I just don't want to deprive Kelly a relationship with her father," said a now teary eyed Steffy.

"You're not, babe," said Finn who then held Steffy close. "You are a great mom to both Kelly & Hayes, & I understand that you want Kel to have her dad in her life, & you know that I am not standing in the way of that."

"I know, Finn," whispered Steffy as she found herself getting lost in his eyes.

A moment later, Dr. Lindsey Omos returned with Kelly, who was sucking on a lollipop. She then went right into her mother's arms.

"She is a real trooper, Finn," said Dr. Omos with a smile.

"Thanks, Linds. Is she going to be OK?" Asked Finn.

"She'll be fine. She does have some bruises on her left leg. I suspect someone grabbed her," said Dr. Omos in a low voice. Finn nodded.

"All right, Thank you so much, Linds. I owe you one," said a smiling Finn.

"Hey, anything for a friend, Finn. You know that," said Dr. Omos.

After picking up Hayes at Ashley's apartment, Finn & Steffy took the kids home. Both were exhausted.

However, the drama wasn't over yet.

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