Chapter 20

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As soon as Ridge saw Liam, he stepped right up to him.

"Don't even think about it, Liam. This isn't the right time," said Ridge sternly.

"Are you here to cause trouble because if you are, you're making a mistake," said Rick.

Liam shook his head no.

"I'm just here to talk to Steffy. I have some concerns that I need to tell her about," said Liam.

"Well, like I said, Liam, this isn't the right time," said Ridge. "My father is in a hospital room right now, & my family & I have no idea what his illness may be so I highly suggest you leave right now. We have no time for you or your damn nonsense."

Brooke then came up to Liam.

"Do as Ridge says, Liam. Leave," she said sternly.

Liam simply couldn't believe it, but he knew that if he didn't do as he was told, there would be trouble, & he didn't want that so he simply just walked away.

Once he was out of sight, Ridge breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"You know, it took a lot for me not to punch him right then & there," said Ridge as he looked over at Eric's room where Finn & Steffy were.

"I know you wanted to," said Brooke.

"It's understandable, Ridge. All the pain that scumbag has caused both Steffy & Hope," said Rick. "I'm just glad that they have both moved on."

"I agree with you there," said Bridget.

Meanwhile, Sheila watched everything unfold from her hiding place & found herself intrigued.

However, she kept her eyes right on Eric's room, wondering what was going on.

While Sheila was out there, Finn was comforting Steffy while she held her grandfather's hand.

"I love you, Granddad," whispered Steffy with tears in her eyes.

"We're here for you, Eric. Come back to us," said Finn who was now rubbing Steffy's shoulders.

Meanwhile, outside of Eric's room, Hope & Daniel came, & Ridge told them what happened including Liam's visit.

"I just hope Eric is OK," said Hope.

"We all do, sweetie," said Brooke who then hugged her daughter.

Hope then decided to mention Liam.

"So Liam decided to come here to tell Steffy about some concerns he had?" She asked. Ridge nodded.

"I don't know what 'concerns' he may have, but as far as I'm concerned, it's not important. My father's health is," said Ridge.

"I think I may have an idea as to what Liam's 'concerns' are," said Daniel.

"What do you think they could be?" Asked Zende.

"I think it has to do with Sheila Carter," said Daniel.

"You think Liam found out about Sheila being Finn's aunt & panicked?" Asked Brooke. Daniel nodded.

"Think about it. Sheila is a known psycho who will hurt anyone to get what she wants," said Daniel. "That's why my daughter Lucy doesn't know her, & I'm guessing that's why Finn doesn't know her either. Sheila is too dangerous."

"What is your connection to Sheila, Daniel, if you don't mind me asking," said Rick.

"No problem. I was married to Sheila's daughter Daisy, & Lucy is a result of that marriage," said Daniel. "However, it was a marriage of convenience. I didn't love Daisy, & she knew that, but she was obsessed with me. She later disappeared when Lucy was still a baby, & I never saw her or heard from her again. That is until a couple of years ago when a state trooper from Georgia came to my house in Savannah."

"What did he say?" Asked Rick.

"The police department in Atlanta had found Daisy, & that she was dead," said Daniel somberly. "I realized that once Sheila found out, she would hunt us down. I couldn't let it happen so I took Lucy back to Genoa City for a while & worked several different jobs until the artistic director job at Forrester Creations became available."

Hope smiled at him & squeezed his hand. She knew that she had found herself a good man.

Meanwhile, Sheila found herself trying not to collapse when she heard that her daughter Daisy was dead & had been dead for several years.

"No. It can't be true," she whispered as she felt the tears roll down her face. "Not my Daisy."

However, she also felt herself harden. She knew what she wanted to do.

Sheila was now more determined then ever to reconnect with Finn in any way possible even if it meant getting Steffy out of the way.

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