Chapter 13

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Author's Note: Liam's flashback will be in italics. I also apologize for the swearing in this.
The following morning Liam was at his office at Eye on Fashion with his cup of coffee in hand, getting ready to begin what would be a long day.

He would be busy with several meetings throughout the day because Eye on Fashion was going through a transition.

The popular magazine, which was owned by Spencer Publications, was being bought by one of the world's top lifestyle & media companies, Hearst Corporation, for $450 million. The company had assured Liam that his job as editor-in-chief was secure, & that he was going to stay in Los Angeles because there was no need to move the magazine's headquarters to New York.

That, however, didn't make Liam feel better about anything.

Not only was he scared for his job security, but his long absences because of work had hurt his relationships with both Kelly & his daughter with Hope, Beth.

Kelly had become very close to Finn, which angered Liam despite being reassured by Finn that he wasn't taking his place as Kelly's father. Still, Liam couldn't help but be suspicious..

As for Hope, he could see Beth whenever he wanted to, but lately he had been noticing that Forrester Creations' new artistic director, Daniel Romalotti, & his daughter Lucy had been hanging out with Hope & Beth, enjoying home cooked meals & watching movies.

Then there was a matter that was also causing Liam to worry, & it involved Hope.

"Are you serious, Hope? You can't do this," Liam remembered saying when Hope had stopped by his office with some paperwork.

"Yes, I am, Liam. I can't stay in that house any longer. I've already talked to a real estate agent & have begun looking for a place for Beth & me," said Hope with a stern look on her face.

"So you're putting our house on the market?" Asked a confused Liam.

"No, Liam, remember that your father signed the mortgage over to us, & remember what we agreed on? If one of us moves out, we're not obligated to keep it," said Hope. "Since I moved out with Beth, I am not obligated to keep the house."

Liam was in shock. First his marriage to Hope was over, & now she was putting their four bedroom home in a woodsy neighborhood near Cedar Groove on the market. This was more then he could take.

Then again, he knew that once Hope made up her mind on something, there was no changing it.

"Think about it, Liam. You had no problem renting your condo near Steffy's place after we had separated so I don't understand why you're upset with me over me selling the house," said a frowning Hope.

"You damn well know why, Hope," said Liam as he began to feel the misery he was feeling begin to overtake him.

"Did it have something to do with Kelly, or did you just want to be closer to Steffy & be a pain in the ass to her & Finn?" Asked Hope.

"Why the hell do you care? You hate Steffy, remember?" Asked a now angry Liam. "You blame her for everything!"

"I do care, Liam, because Steffy & I have spending time together both at work & her house, & you know what? I don't hate her. I actually think she's a great person, & I wish I had realized that sooner," said Hope, feeling regret over not truly getting to know Steffy.

Liam was now blown away. Steffy & Hope were now friends? How could this be?

However, he wouldn't be able to find out because Hope said, "I'm going back to work. Call me when you want to see our daughter."

As soon as she closed the door, Liam locked himself in his office bathroom & start yelling.
"Ah fuck," muttered Liam as he heard his phone ring. He quickly checked it & grabbed his jacket.

"Another fucking meeting with the Hearst people," he mumbled as he walked the long hallways of Spencer Publications to one of the large conference rooms.

One question did enter his mind.

When was the pain he was feeling at the moment ever go away?

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