Chapter 6

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Author's Note: For all you Sinn fans who are reading this, Finn isn't going to die in this story. I just like him way too much as a character to do that to him. Also sorry about the cursing in this chapter. The flashback will be in italics.
While Finn & Steffy were kissing, Paris Buckingham, who had come to the wedding with Steffy's cousin, Zende Dominguez, was watching with jealousy from a distance.

While she knew that Zende was a good guy, Paris couldn't help but be attracted to Finn. She saw him as her dream man, & the thought of him with someone that she saw as a slut in Steffy made her sick to her stomach.

It didn't matter to Paris if Finn & Steffy had a child together & were now married. She wanted Finn all to herself & began wondering what she could do to make that happen.

However, she was shaken out of her thoughts by a voice saying, "You OK, babe?"

She turned & saw Zende behind her with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine," she said with a slight smile of her own. She then began thinking.

Yes, Paris did love Zende, but she wasn't feeling too sure about their relationship because of his ex-wife Nicole Avant, who was now back in Los Angeles.

However, Paris pushed the angry thoughts she was having about Nicole & Steffy out of her mind, took Zende's hand, & went back to the reception where she tried to have a good time.
A week after a great honeymoon in Lake Tahoe, Finn & Steffy were back in LA having to make a tough decision.

They had made the decision to move but were still dragging their feet on whether to sell their current home.

"I know that this is the right decision for us, babe, but think about it. Hayes was born here. Liam & I brought Kelly to this house from the hospital after she was born," said Steffy who was getting teary eyed over this.

"I know, honey, but look at it this way. We can create new memories in a new house," said Finn who was holding Steffy's hand.

"I don't know, Finn. I guess I'm just really attached to this house," said Steffy.

"I understand that. However, are you at least willing to look at new homes & see if there's one that connects with us?" Asked Finn.

"Why not. I mean, it wouldn't hurt," said Steffy who was wiping her eyes.

So after calling a real estate agent & setting up a day to look at new houses, Finn & Steffy could finally relax.
Meanwhile, at a hotel 5 miles away, Sheila Carter was looking forlornly out of a window, still dealing with getting rejected by Finn at his wedding to Steffy.

Yes, she knew that he was her twin sister's son, & that he had been raised by his father & stepmother, but she felt such a deep connection with him that she couldn't help but see him as her son.

However, she was then flooded with memories of the day Jack left Genoa City with Finn.

Sheila stood there with tears in her eyes as Jack handed baby Finn over to a friend of his & said, "Get my son in the car now."

She was overwhelmed with emotion. The man she truly loved was leaving, & he had just told her how he really felt about her.

"Please, Jack. Don't leave. I love you. You know I do," she pleaded.

"You love me? Is that what you said to Scott Grainger before or after you stole his & Lauren's child?" Asked a seething Jack.

"Please, Jack, I'm sorry. Don't take the baby away," said a now sobbing Sheila. Jack just shook his head.

"You are really pathetic, you know that? You killed my wife. My son's mother. Your own sister because you want me all to yourself. I don't love you. In fact, I fucking hate you, Sheila, & I hope to God that my son & I never see you again," said Jack who then turned & walked away.

Sheila then collapsed on the floor & sobbed as she heard the sounds of Jack's car driving away.
Sheila wiped the tears that had started to flow down her face as she remembered that day. She could feel her heart breaking all over again.

Then, she felt something else. Something that even she knew could get her in trouble, but she knew that it was worth it.

She was now more determined then ever to be a part of Finn's life, & no one was going to stand in her way.

Not Jack. Not Martha. Not even Steffy.

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