Chapter 22

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As the Forresters grappled with the news of Eric having COPD, Liam was trying to come up with an idea of his own.

Thanks to information that someone at Spencer Publications had received & passed on to him, Liam had decided not to move to New York & decided to see if he could file to get full custody of Kelly.

Turns out the employee had overheard a conversation where it had been mentioned that Sheila Carter was Finn's aunt. Liam had done some research into Sheila, & after a quick Google search, came to the conclusion that he needed to have full custody of Kelly because he feared that she would be in constant danger if she stayed with Finn & Steffy.

The near drowning incident at the beach also made Liam realize that this was something that he felt that he needed to do.

However, something happened that made him realize that this wasn't going to be possible no much how much he was going to try.

It happened the morning after Forrester Creations had posted a statement on the company Instagram account about Eric's COPD diagnosis, which he had approved of. The post, which was a video of Eric talking about his illness taken at his home office, had gone viral.

Liam had watched sadly as a man he admired admitted to being sick with something that couldn't be cured. Then he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in," he said without looking up from his laptop. Once the door opened, Liam looked up & was stunned by who he saw.

It was his stepfather, Robert Cooper.

"Hello, son, or do I have the right to call you that now that you know who your real father is & have established a bond with him?" Asked a frowning Robert

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"Hello, son, or do I have the right to call you that now that you know who your real father is & have established a bond with him?" Asked a frowning Robert.

Liam was speechless. He hadn't expected Robert to show up in LA.

"'" stuttered Liam.

"Riley told me after she had come home from working her internship here last summer," said Robert referring to Liam's half sister Riley Cooper, who was now in her last year of college at Ohio State University.

"I...see. So I guess she told you what's been going on with me, right?" Asked Liam.

"Yeah. She told me that you're bouncing back & forth between two women named Hope & Steffy. That you have a daughter with each one. That you were married to both of them, & that she's ashamed of you. How's that for an update?" Said a now angry Robert.

Liam now realized that he was in trouble.

However, Robert wasn't done yet.

"According to your sister, you have an issue with your older daughter's stepfather, am I right?" Asked Robert.

Liam nodded.

"Yes, Dad, I do," explained Liam. "I don't trust him, & I never have. Ever since he came into Steffy's life as her doctor, I've been worried sick about her & Kelly. He got her addicted to painkillers, & she had to go to rehab for it. He has an aunt who is a convicted felon who has not only murdered & manipulated people but has also put others in danger like my daughter. I don't trust him with my kid which is why as soon as this conversation ends, I'm going to call my lawyer & file for full custody of her."

"No, you're not, Liam," said Robert sternly.

"What do you mean by that, Dad?" Asked a surprised Liam.

"I just talked to Steffy about half an hour ago before I came here," said Robert. "She told me that the custody arrangement she & her lawyer drew up that she had you sign is now official. As a lawyer myself, I wouldn't recommend challenging it."

"Why, Dad? My daughter is danger!" Said a now panicked Liam.

"I was at the courthouse earlier today & heard what the judge said," said Robert. "He said that based on multiple statements made by Steffy's family, Kelly is in a healthy environment & has the stability that she needs with her mother & stepfather. He suggests you stop screwing around & coparent your kid regardless of whether you trust Dr. Finnegan or not. "

Liam was now devastated. He thought he could go to court & challenge the custody arrangement with Steffy, but she had beaten him to the punch, & now there was nothing he could do about it.

"Dad..." he started to say when he saw Robert now at the door.

Robert turned around & looked at Liam sadly.

Then he said something that truly broke Liam's heart.

"I know that what I'm about to say is low, Liam, but I feel that it's the truth," said Robert. "If your mother was still alive, she would honestly be ashamed of the man you have become."

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